
I'm so glad you guys won't be coming here. I'd hate to have to touch any of you fat, smelly, nasty pricks. Since you're all a bunch of pathetic losers who couldn't get it up if your life depended on it, no worries here hahahahaha!!!

That's right. Here, I chose who I want to suck and fuck. I know that's a new concept for you porn guys. With you, it's all about getting the girl to do something or someone as nasty as you can find. Here, I get to party with normal guys. Yeah, that's right . . there are normal guys still out there unlike all of you sick, pathetic losers who only live for porn and the porn whores you so pathetically shit talk HERE but secretly desire!! You desire but can never have because you're all such disgusting LOSERS!!

I'm so hurt, how dare you!!

I'll bet that none of your johns fit that ideal description above, right? Because after all, you get paid to get laid with anyone you want. We'll be on the lookout for the guys who resemble Boss Hog, sweetpea.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron