
And yes, Elli and I have always had goals . . something the porn industry doesn't like girls to have. Keep the girls down, treat them like your property, use and abuse them. NO THANKS, not with The FoXXs ANYMORE!!!

Do either of you wish to be pre-med biology majors? I can send you to a (self) certified genius whore who wants same, maybe she can give you some pointers on how to succeed in life?

It's nice to have goals, but it's even nicer to live in reality & grasp that you'll always be known as a whore. Moreso, a whore who sells her baby's meatholes for willing suitors.

Money isn't everything, it's only a temporary cure. Happiness comes before riches, trust me.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron