

Hi Blink ! You're still a dumb shit ! Sort of likable but ....just sayin'

Ahh yes, the insult. The last refuge of the person who can't come up with a valid response.

Since I love you guys so much, here are a few more quotes before I go do something more enjoyable:

"[Anal stenosis is an] abnormal narrowing of the anal opening and/or anal canal... The most common form of anal stenosis arises from trauma, such as hemorrhoid operations [or] recurrent and persistent trauma in connection with anal sex... Strictures may develop in relation to a chronic anal fissure... Most patients are asymptomatic."

"I gave anal sex a real try because my husband brought it up many times and I figured that I owed it to him to give it a try. It was a real mistake, at least for me. It always hurt, I always bled and I always needed medical attention, and we never was able to complete the act. We followed all of the advice that's out there, he went slow and easy each and every attempt but it was not something that my body would accept. The final time I went to the Dr after our last attempt, he told me that I has a serious fissure that would need surgery to close and repair. In addition, he told me I had both internal and external hemorroids and that some where thrombosed and he could work on those also during the same session. He said that in my case, anal was more than likely the culprit since I had been pregnant and delivered two babies vaginally without any problems with hemorroids or fissures. After my surgery, the colo-rectal surgeon said that I had about 40-50 % anal stenosis and that I would always have to be conscientous of my diet to ensure I get enough fiber and fluids. Since my fissure was submuscular, I would be predisposed to continued fissures and hemorrhoids and increased stenosis with every insult that would include surgery too."

"Anal intercourse continues as a prevalent sexual practice in both homosexual and heterosexual populations. Studies report that up to 43% of adult women have participated in anal intercourse... The incidence of acute sexually transmitted rectal and gastrointestinal syndromes is increasing."

Believe it or not that was a left handed compliment. Not an insult !
I may not know arse but I know what I like !