

he's in penalty box box. malice and jeff know that i don't know how to penalty box, so i'm fine with a temporary ban or box. he was shitting all over xpt long before he posted his turd pic.

While I'm neutral on Panzer, I think it's outrageous that Gia's authority has been publicly undermined by the site's owners. This is one of the worst things a manager can do to one of his supervisors. It's admirible that Gia is being a good sport and bending over backwards to create the impression that the management team has spoken with one voice all along. But puuuuuuu-lease! They could not telegraph their priorities any clearer. Gia's dignity means less to them than whatever Panzer's site visits contribute to total traffic. And after all she's done for this site! If this happened to me, I would tender my resignation immediately.

In that case I nominate Coke for the next open moderator position.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules