Quote: I think it has more to do with her pretentious pseudo-intellectual bullshit than misogyny. If it was just plain misogyny, everyone here would hate Gia and Holly, but they have the distinct advantage of actually being intelligent and not delusional about what they do or have done.
Exactly. Case in point, Sasha went to UCLA to "lecture" about the porn industry (like a glorified sex ed class on the day a hooker comes to talk). Then in an interview she said she enjoyed the experience and hoped to go back and "lecture" on philosophy. Right. Why not throw on a white lab coat, infiltrate a hospital and crash a surgery like Leslie Nielsen in a naked gun movie?
Holly's question "what's wrong with PW's that like sex and aren't on drugs?" Nothing, except the few exceptions only prove the rule, and generally speaking it's their preexisting conditions that draw girls to porn like moths to flame. Sasha's claims don't add up. She should visit a porn-friendly shrink, get taken apart like a clock, and see if they don't actually find any busted gears.
If she really is just a flower happily sitting in poison soil, above it all mentally as a lineup of parolees empty their balls on her head, then more power to her. If Holly's right and Sasha isn't really "sad", including her days wandering the Spiegler sty among the walking dead, then I salute her. Unfortunately you can't roll around in the mud with pigs all day and then insist you're not one of them.