
Porn stars aren't supposed to be smart, they're not supposed to have self esteem, and they're not supposed to be comfortable with what they do for a living. If someone like Sasha-- someone smart enough and driven enough to be doing something else (i.e. something more socially acceptable than porn), chooses porn, then what does that say about women? Could it possibly suggest that we are not all victims forced into this industry by unhappy circumstance? Could some of us actually truly enjoy having sex on camera? Could it suggest that... (gasp!) women are capable of making their own rational decisions that are driven by personal preference rather than the need for a quick buck to pay their drug dealer or for a lavish lifestyle they could otherwise never achieve?

While totally possible, I think you miss the obvious. Sasha behaves the way she does not because of her "new breed" state of mind. She behaves the way she does as a means of trying to obtain validation that she "matters." She's insecure in what she does or wouldn't be expending so much effort in attempting to gain validation for her efforts; efforts which basically involve opening up her orifices as amusement parks for our masturbatory pleasure.

Her value to society is simple. She's a whore. She can dabble in acting, philosophy or whatever else floats her boat. But her value, nonetheless, remains that of warm place to shove a cock of six.

More than likely, she realizes this. It disturbs her. So all this noise she generates is a desperate plea for legitimacy in LIFE. Which makes her NO DIFFERENT than most of the other people stuck in dead-end jobs. Well other than the fact she sucks her own feces off of a guys dick for a living. Literally rather than figuratively.

Edited by PainfulAzzFuckin (03/18/09 06:20 AM)
Darrah Ford's family video archives - Father's Day, 1996: