She seems like a very typical 21-year-old to me, just not the type that does porn. College campuses are full of young hipsters who are just bursting to tell you about things like Nietszche, Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Anais Nin - bla bla bla. They have just discovered these things and all of the sudden think they are misunderstood geniuses. It's a phase. The most annoying type for me are the ones that think they're going to be great writers or poets (LOL). They don't realize that they are a dime a dozen and that they are not the first (or even the ten millionth) to have all these poser deep thoughts.

These hipsters always fancy themselves unique. This must be compounded X 1000 for Sasha because she is atypical for porn. Most 21-year-olds in porn are the stripper type. Also, the porn notoriety must be the equivalent of willing 1000 spoken word poetry competitions.
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