

you are taking what she said out of context. Sasha means that she represents the porn star anti-stereotype: she's not dumb, she's not on drugs, she was not abused (yes you can call her a liar all you want but for the sake of argument I have decided to believe her), and she wants to push the limits of society's view on female sexuality.

I'm calling you on this, because I demand proof.

First of all, how can I provide proof when what we are discussing are differences of opinion? I cannot "prove" that what I think about Sasha is "right", I can only say what I think, you can disagree with me, and we can agree to disagree and still walk away with much love in our hearts for each other. That being said, I will address some of your points.


1. She has a high school education. Running around trying to convince people you are some advanced existential thinker just makes her "attempt to intellectualize" being a dirty whore all the more pretentious and disingenuous. Would she continue to do porn if her rates got dropped in half? I didn't think so.

Just because Sasha has a high school education doesn't mean that she is incapable of educating herself. Though I am as proud as the next person for my college degree, what purpose has it really served? I went to school and graduated from UCLA with a degree in World Literature knowing that I was going to spend the rest of my life shooting and producing porn. So what good does my degree do me? Does it make my Xbiz articles more articulate or my debates on XPT more convincing? Or does it just give me permission to wave it in the faces of who don't have a college degree? Sometimes I think it's the latter, though honestly the reason is that every person in my family has a college degree-- in fact I come from a family of mostly teachers, so I couldn't bear not finishing college, even though I knew it wouldn't really make a difference to me career-wise. But don't get me wrong, I am very happy I did go to college, because that was really one of the best times in my life.

As far as her dropping her rates: let's not forget that this is a business. Sasha is in high demand and thus can command a high rate, and should do so. If people will pay it, why not?


2. I highly doubt that she is trying to advance the cause of female sexuality. Name one thing she has done in her porno "career" that is groundbreaking? Some interviews? Appear in non-porno films? Marilyn Chambers did that in the 1980s. So did Ginger Lynn. Heck, Stormy Daniels is two-up on this whore. Have you been reading the mostly negative reviews of her acting "skills?" Her reach exceeds her grasp.

Sasha doesn't do anything on camera that is new, or groundbreaking. The idea behind Sasha as a advocate for advancing female sexuality is that she DOES these hardcore acts but comes across as someone who does so because it is something she enjoys, something that she might do in her personal life. She does not come across as someone who does gangbangs, double penetration or whatever because she has to. Sasha is a beautiful girl, and we all know that pretty girls in this industry don't have to do the hardcore acts. The extreme scenes are often reserved for girls who couldn't get work otherwise-- thus, they don't really enjoy what they do, and this comes across as sad. Sasha is not a sad character, she is not a victim. She projects power of choice in her actions, and that is important.


The interviewer muct have some sense of incredulity at what the whore has done in her lifetime. Seriously, what 18-year old girl who decides she'd rather get fucked in the HersheyHole by Brian Pumper rather than try and build on her beginner-level intellect?

Sasha is that type of girl. Again you play here to the socially acceptable. If Sasha chooses porn over college, why does that make her the subject of ridcule to us, the porn consumers and producers? So she didn't follow the fold. We all have different paths, and Sasha's did not include college. Besides, Sasha can always go back to college later-- she is, after all, still quite young.


4. Not to mention that producers probably don't give a shit about her extending the boundaries of female sexuality. They just care that she shows up on time, has a clean bunghole, and doesn't mind a little jizz in her eye.

I'm not concerned with what the producers think. Most of them don't think about anything beyond their next paycheck anyhow-- they don't give a shit about the talent they make their living off of. I'm concerned with what Sasha makes the "outside" think about the adult industry. I think she's a fairly positive role model.

Look, the thing is, I really like Sasha. I know her personally, and she's not half as pretentious as you guys make her out to be. I consider her a friend and you know how loyal I am to those I care about. I don't really expect anyone to agree with me, but I couldn't watch this thread go on and on about how awful she is without saying anything. That's my two cents, and really that's all I have to say.
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.