Registered: 08/09/06
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Loc: red dirt state of mind
Obama, on Friday, once again showed just how connected he is with the American people by endorsing the 911 mosque. On Saturday he backtracked, but claimed it wasn't a backtrack. No wonder he avoids press conferences. His handlers are afraid he will speak, or even worse speak his mind.
#405145 - 08/16/1008:28 AMRe: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
99% Fiction
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Registered: 12/16/08
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Dude is a PR nightmare. Which ever handler has his ear, their thoughts come out of his mouth. None of them are on the same page, and he is probably scared to offer his true opinion on anything. I think the guy's career will parallel Jimmy Carter in the fact that he will be better at being an ex president.
"Guage once told me that there is nothing worse than eaten ass of a black dude thats been huffen drain cleaner the night befor." - delanoojos
#405148 - 08/16/1009:32 AMRe: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
99% Fiction
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Registered: 12/16/08
Posts: 2401
Its obvious brutha, Obama is honestly confused.
"Guage once told me that there is nothing worse than eaten ass of a black dude thats been huffen drain cleaner the night befor." - delanoojos
Registered: 08/09/06
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Loc: red dirt state of mind
I think there is little confusion in Obamas mind on the GZM. He's totally for it. This was just Obamas 'escape hatch', a lie to aid his deniability later.
All of this pissing and moaning against this mosque is just playing into al-Qa'ida's hands. We ought to to have a "big tent" that welcomes non al-Qa'ida Muslims. That way we present ourselves as friendly to Muslims in general and only opposed to al-Qa'iada terrorists. The broad coalition approach works best. Back in the 80s anti-Sandinista socialists like Eden Pastora Gomez were an important part of the Fuck Communism team, as were anti-Connunist labor union folks in supporting the Polish Solidarity independent union movement.
Worst pres in history Odumba needed to find one example of how the borrowed trillion dollar pork "stimulus" is working. He couldn't do it. Shit-for-brains cited some project that wasn't even involved with porkulus:
Dems are quietly abandoning their lies about Obamacare cutting costs (cutting costs -lol). It is increasing costs by 9% and it hasn't even started yet:
Obama is a worse Prez than Dubya? While Dubya was Prez there was a financial panic AND stock market crash, not to mention an avoidable war during the occupation of Iraq, squandering an opportunity to stabilize Afghanistan before the Taleban and al--Qa'ida reorganized, taking the Federal budget from surplus to endless deficits, etcetera.
#405155 - 08/21/1004:05 PMRe: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
the unknown pervert
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Registered: 03/22/07
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Yeah but that was spread out through eight years, not eighteen months. Choosing between the two is a little having to decide whether you would rather follow the Kansas City Royals or the Pittsburgh Pirates.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#405156 - 08/21/1009:43 PMRe: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
Quote: While Dubya was Prez there was a financial panic AND stock market crash,
These are just things that happened while he was president. Saying he was responsible just because he was there is a joke. Coke is talking about things Obama actually intentionally did.
Quote: not to mention an avoidable war during the occupation of Iraq, squandering an opportunity to stabilize Afghanistan before the Taleban and al--Qa'ida reorganized,
Here you've got valid things that are worth arguing, but I don't feel like it. Even Bush has admitted he mismanaged the first 3 years of the Iraq War. The 3 years before "The Surge".
Quote: taking the Federal budget from surplus to endless deficits, etcetera.
The war has cost like an average $100 billion per year. With the trillion dollar deficits, that's not what pushed us over the edge. Those wars are expensive, but it's far from the main thing that turned us from "surplusses to deficits".
Health care costs through Medicare and Medicaid have pushed us over the edge. I posted a link here to a pie chart showing the percentages not long ago. When I'm not lazy, maybe I'll go find it for you. And, as Coke linked above, Obamacare has done nothing to lower health care costs.
what kind of media would tell the world that Odumba is moderate, patriotic and qualified to be president? the same media that claims the 600 lb star of "Precious" is one of the "world's most beautiful people"
Events like the panic and crash that occurred during the final year of a two-term presidency might be somewhat the responsibility of that president. Arguing to the contrary at the very least would require an entirely new historiography regarding presidential responsibilities.
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja
#405167 - 09/01/1009:43 PMRe: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
In their response to the Democratic hold-outs last remaining defense for Obama, one of the two most important swing states have decided, "yes, Obama is worse than W."
Quote: We’ll start rolling out our Ohio poll results tomorrow but there’s one finding on the poll that pretty much sums it up: by a 50-42 margin voters there say they’d rather have George W. Bush in the White House right now than Barack Obama.
The mainstream media would no sooner acknowledge Odumba's speech impediment than they would publish a photo from an angle that shows Michelle's enormous fat ass. The Obama stutter:
#405170 - 09/06/1002:23 PMRe: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
Obama explains that he is a cry baby:
Quote: "Some powerful interests who had been dominating the agenda in Washington for a very long time and they're not always happy with me. They talk about me like a dog. That's not in my prepared remarks, but it's true," he told a crowd largely consisting of union members.
It's amazing that yesterday Odumba proposed borrowing/printing more money for massive infrastructure and road spending. That's what they said the trillion dollar stimulus was about, but of course it was all Dem pork and deferred until the 2012 election cycle. How tone deaf and clueless could he be? A few far leftists are saying the reason the economy is getting worse is that he hasn't spent enough. Amazingly, those are the people he choose to listen to. His instincts are ass backwards.
"You have been banned from making any new posts or sending private messages. The reason for this ban is: meh, cause i can"
#405173 - 09/07/1001:09 AMRe: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
Coke, you mention this in your post, but it bears special emphasis.
A substantial portion the trillion dollar stimulus passed in '09 was for infrastructure. Now, after you've spend that couple of hundred billion on roads, bridges, and the such, what the hell are you gonna do with the another $50B more Obama is proposing to sink into it? After you've already spent that much, how can there possibly be more roads or bridges that need to be built?
And, Coke answered that question. The money must not have really gone to infrastructure like it was supposed to. It was squandered.
So, what are we supposed to expect is going to happen with the next $50B?
#405174 - 09/07/1011:24 AMRe: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
Quote: Obama explains that he is a cry baby:
I saw a video of those remarks. I took it out of context. He wasn't whining that the Republicans treat him badly. He was bragging that special interest groups don't like him.
The, "this isn't in my prepared statement, but it's true!" bit was as staged and phoney as half of all the other things he says.
Most estimates by independent economists put infrastructure spending in the original bill at around 8-10%, so most of the bill was never meant to address infrastructure. It was just a massive payout to constituent groups.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#405177 - 09/08/1002:52 AMRe: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
I guess it depends on what you consider "infrastructure". Quick Google search shows an Op-Ed Joe Biden wrote for New York Times:
Quote: As for the final third, the act is financing the largest investment in roads since the creation of the Interstate highway system; construction projects at military bases, ports, bridges and tunnels; long overdue Superfund cleanups; the creation of clean energy jobs of the future; improvements in badly outdated rural water systems; upgrades to overtaxed mass transit and rail systems; and much more. These investments create jobs today — and support economic growth for years to come. Far from being a negative, the wide array of these investments is needed given the incredible diversity of the American economy.
I didn't look that up before I said anything. It's just I remember all the rhetoric, where it was pretty much a given that infrastructure type jobs are very effective at creating work. It was the subject of all those "shovel-ready" claims.
constituent letter to Odumba from ER physician Dr. Roger Starner Jones:
Dear Mr. President,
During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R&B ringtone.
While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"! During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one pack of cigarettes every day, eats only at fast-food take-outs, and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer. And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care? I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a "crisis of culture" a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based in the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me". Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care difficulties will disappear.
"You have been banned from making any new posts or sending private messages. The reason for this ban is: meh, cause i can"
^^^^^^^^ The letter is accurate but it was not sent to Obama. It was sent as a letter to the editor of the Clarion Ledger newspaper of Jackson, Mississippi.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
Quote: "I'm disappointed that we've only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million," says Wendy Greuel, the city's controller, while releasing an audit report.
"With our local unemployment rate over 12% we need to do a better job cutting red tape and putting Angelenos back to work,” she added.
Obama's illegal immigrant Aunt Zeituni says "you have the obligation to make me a citizen". She lives in public housing and receives disability checks from a system she never paid into. If you disagree with Zeituni/the new Coke/Charin and have a problem with any of this, then you are a racist!
Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
DOJ Announces No Prosecutions For Top Obama Donor Goldman Sachs
Department of Justice announces it won't prosecute Goldman-Sachs or it's employees who, as a complete coincidence, donated $1,013,091 to Barack Obama's campaign in 2008. Holder's former law firm, Covington & Burling, counts Goldman Sachs as one of its clients. To date, Eric Holder's Department of Justice has not charged, prosecuted, or convicted a single top Wall Street executive.
Mr. Meat
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Registered: 06/12/12
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Originally Posted By: have2cit
DOJ Announces No Prosecutions For Top Obama Donor Goldman Sachs
Department of Justice announces it won't prosecute Goldman-Sachs or it's employees who, as a complete coincidence, donated $1,013,091 to Barack Obama's campaign in 2008. Holder's former law firm, Covington & Burling, counts Goldman Sachs as one of its clients. To date, Eric Holder's Department of Justice has not charged, prosecuted, or convicted a single top Wall Street executive.
Hope and Change People, Breath it in deep.
The SEC is too busy fapping to Brooklyn Lee and Dana DeArmond.
Porn Jesus
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The fact that Daner is their #2 choice shows they are clueless
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral
frankie fatale
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/30/09
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thats because they have noone to bully anymore because parents pussy their kids too much and dont send them to school anymore.
i think of the past and how the future isnt how i imagined it,but the past is exactly where i unraveled it.excuses for failed attempts, gained another one i used a noose it’s not until you fall apart you see the screws are loose-cage
frankie fatale
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/30/09
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Loc: paizuri,pizza,poodles,photo
no,the spazs arent at school anymore because their parents know they raised they get to be home all day fagging up the playstation network or xbox live so they dont go columbine.
i think of the past and how the future isnt how i imagined it,but the past is exactly where i unraveled it.excuses for failed attempts, gained another one i used a noose it’s not until you fall apart you see the screws are loose-cage
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Originally Posted By: have2cit
Jesus fucking shit. In all the flame wars we've had I've never REALLY thought you where a dumb fucking redneck but now I'm starting to're trolololing right? You are really serious thinking this is a bad thing? This is a mandate about a single meal being 850 calories not a whole days of really think america's fat fucking morbidly obese blobs of rolling garbage water need to shovel more than 850 fucking calories into their over flowing maws in one sitting?....Why, I would think you'd see this as a good thing, after todays kids are getting soft patron, very soft, and the rest of the world is getting tough, very very tough, and we should have these fat little faggot bastards lifting more weights and missing a few meals so they can be sinewy enough to fight the commies....DO YOU WANNA FRY?!
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
You do realize these are farm kids who play sports at school don't you, imbecile? They need more during the day than a couple of soggy green beans and cup full of saffron scented couscous. They work in the morning before they ever get to school, they work after school. Do you know what the Obama's kids were wolfing down the day this video broke, at their elite private school for one percenters? Pizza. Just another case of liberal elitism and the do as I say, not as I do, mentality from the Obama's. Another top down, one size fits all policy. No, these decisions should be left to parents and the schools at the local level.