
The issue is not one of referendum, but whether which side is more proficient at the profession of arms.

You really think the towel heads who live in caves are more proficient with arms than the American military?


See Vietnam 1965-1973.

What was miraculous about the Viet Cong was there unending ability to garner more recruits from amongst their own people. No matter how many were killed, there were always a 1000 more to sign up.

We've already decimated Taliban and Al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan once, till we all but left for several years and gave them time to recoup. The whole lesson learned in Iraq was you can't just clear, you also gotta hold. Hold long enough for the local population to develop their own security. That's what we haven't even tried in Afghanistan yet. We just left them without them having their own security.

If they can't do that, then yeah, we'll lose. But, they really haven't had much of a chance yet.

There are always differences in every analogy and I hate it when people just throw out any stupid difference they can think of to ignore the similarities which might sound like what I'm doing. But, the only similarities you've mentioned are that in the 80's Afghanistan, the USSR was a big country that lost to a small country. And, in the 60's/70's, the USA was a big country that lost to a small country. You just think big countries always lose to small countries in war?