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#404944 - 12/19/09 07:17 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
The Bush administration selected certain financial entities as being too big to fail, and propped them up with public funding. IMO this is similar to Mussolini's corporatism (use of Fascist officials to mediate between labor and capital on behalf of the Italian corporatist state) and Hitler's partiality toward the Krupp corporation as the recipient of public monies to build the German warmaking machine that caused the deaths of millions upon million during the Second World War.
#404945 - 12/20/09 05:36 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 698
Loc: CA
Dubya is the one who ruined the country. Couldn't catch bin Laden, thousands of American soldiers killed in Iraq and tens of thousands more maimed for life, let the Taleban regroup in Afghanistan, and topped it off with the stock market crash, the failure of most of the firms on Wall Street, and a billion dollar public bailout for a few favored Wall Street firms and banks deemed "too big to fail". It is a lie to call Obama a marxist, but using the government to bail out banks as done by the Bush administration reeks of fascism. Which makes sense since Bush lost the 2000 election by almost a half million votes, and stole Florida's electoral votes, including the use of a goon squad to disrupt attempts by the Miami-Dade electoral officials to recount votes. Closest thing to a fascist coup that has ever occurred in America.

Blame Bush... standard liberal BS. I though Obama claimed to hit the ground running the day after his election and had a hand in all decisions thereafter???
#404947 - 01/04/10 12:22 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
In a dignified and classy move sure to appeal to his core constituency of freaks and losers, Odumba has appointed a tranny to the Commerce Dept. It is unclear if Amanda Simpson actually had his dick chopped off or is just a glorified shemale. This info will probably come out in a Friday evening document dump.
nice adam's apple!
461380-trans.jpg (9 downloads)
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#404948 - 01/04/10 02:15 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 05/18/09
Posts: 890
Loc: Midwest / Florida
How about the fact that he is a Negro Muslam, isnt that good enough. Besides that, he is a product of IR sex and we all know how they turn out.
I want to Bust a nut in that bitches right eye
#404953 - 01/04/10 09:38 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
It's amazing how amateur Odumba's instincts on EVERYTHING are ass backwards. It turns out intelligence services had provided the administration with a brief about a possible terrorist attack on X-mas. As usual they just waited to see what would happen and then launched a PR campaign to look less hapless ("the system worked"-lol). But Odumba still incorrectly called the pantybomber "an isolated extremist". If Al'queda sent him, how isolated can he be? They are desperate to deny and downplay the fact that we are at war with a network of Islamic sand niggers because they don't want to draw attention to previous incorrect decisions (like pledging to close Gitmo). And, amazingly, they mirandized the nigger pantybomber and let him lawyer up like a local pickpocket. As a foreign enemy combatant, he should be hanging upside down right now on a military base so every iota of terror info in his ignorant nigg head can be extracted.
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#404954 - 01/05/10 12:24 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Did y'all hear about this year's White House X-mas tree? It literally had images of Mao, gay pride flags, a tranny and Obama on Mt Rushmore. All it needed was food stamps and phony Acorn voter cards.
This human garbage should be flushed into the sewers of Jew York City so real Americans can start the clean up process.
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#404959 - 01/06/10 06:13 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Obama And His Appointees Dismantling US
By HERB DENENBERG, For The Bulletin
President Barack Hussein Obama is proceeding to destroy America and has opened up a six-front war to do so:
1. He has a Democratic controlled Congress that is willing to rubber-stamp his wildest schemes, without even reading them…as we’ve already seen. The Democratic Party is now aiding and abetting the demeaning and destruction of America and has become the voice of leftist extremism. The moderates have disappeared or been transformed, issuing only occasional squeaking and whining before following the liberal party line drawn by Mr. Obama. Where have all the Democratic moderates gone?
2. Mr. Obama has immense executive authority, which he has already used to damage the country. One notable example is his decision to try terrorists in New York City, thereby giving the terrorists the premier platform to broadcast their propaganda and recruit Islamic radicals to their cause. Another example is cap and trade by fiat of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), rather than Congressional action.
3. He is filling the White House, the executive branch and the court system with an army of radicals, socialists, Communists, Marxists, Maoists, and America-haters. The most outrageous example was Van Jones, the avowed Communist and believer that 9/11 was an American plot fashioned by President George W. Bush. Van Jones wasn’t too much of an extremist for the White House; in fact, he was loved and respected as a key White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett publicly proclaimed at the time of his appointment. But, he was too extreme even for the mainstream media to cover-up and swallow. But, don’t kid yourself – extremists like that are the rule, not the exception in Mr. Obama’s world.
4. He stands ready to commit the U.S. to radical international treaties that will bleed away American sovereignty and commit the nation to destructive policies. Watch what happens in Copenhagen, and watch the directions of Mr. Obama in matters of international laws and treaties. He has made it obvious he is more interested in pleasing the international community than in protecting the citizens of America. Couple that with his penchant for bootlicking our enemies, apologizing for America, and kicking around and betraying our allies and you have a prescription for international disaster. Note the betrayal of Poland and Czechoslovakia by his withdrawal of missile defense from those two important allies. He did so to appease Russia, again bootlicking enemies while betraying allies.
5. Mr. Obama seems ready to do anything to achieve his ends, a la the formula of Saul Alinsky and his book Rules for Radicals. Alinsky believed the ends justify the means, and that means anything goes. Mr. Obama has demonstrated he is willing to lie, use fascist-style tactics to silent critics, and do what it takes to achieve his agenda. He has even expressed his disdain for the U.S. Constitution in his now infamous quote that civil rights litigation and adjudication went off track because it did not focus on redistribution. His comments, record, and policies show he believes in redistribution of wealth, and views capitalism, free markets and profit as all part of a tainted system that is unjust. One of his major priorities is “spreading the wealth around,” as he admitted to Joe the Plumber.
6. Finally, the mainstream media is sanitizing and covering up Mr. Obama’s worst excesses, as we’ve witnessed with major stories either ignored or almost totally neglected. In recent months, the dishonest, fraudulent, and biased mainstream media virtually ignored Climategate, one of the great scientific scandals of history; the Acorn undercover scandal; and the Van Jones appointment, as well as a long list of other far-out radicals. The mainstream media has become an adjunct of the Obama plan to destroy America, as we know it.
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#404960 - 01/06/10 08:18 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Dubya dismantled the USA before Obama was even elected POTUS. Sent Jerry Bremer as proconsul to Iraq to fire the Iraqi government and Army, thereby causing armed resistance to Bremer's misrule of Iraq, costing the lives of almost five thousand American service personnel, tens of thousands more maimed or wounded, hundreds of billions of dollars wasted in a fool's errand to remake Iraq in our image. Epic fail. Iraq today is pro-Iran and as we wind down our presence will likely be less accomodating to us. Dubya and Cheney and the GOP crew also deregulated financial markets, allowing their cronies to create real estate derivative instruments to enrich themselves, and when the bubble burst and the Financial Panic of September, 2008 occurredand threatened to overwhelm the banks and the basic system of credit necessary for economic activity, GOP Treasury Sec Paulson went to Congress and obtained close to a TRILLION dollars of appropriations to bail out their cronies. The GOP's corruption and incompetence caused the current mess. You can try to blame Obama, but only folks with intelligence quotients of 99 or lower are going to buy it.
#404963 - 01/06/10 07:28 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Wrong, dummy. The Community Reinvestment Act was started by Carter. Clinton doubled down on it. But Barney Frank and Chris Dodd (banking comittee chairmen in the House and Senate) took it to truly insane levels. Banks were not allowed to expand, merge or do other things unless they gave "diversity loans" to certain peoples with no ability to pay them back. The banks, stuck with the worthless paper, bundled and resold as much of it as they could. They had obligations to their shareholders to try and do so.
Also, Dems had lowered lending requirements for mortgages that taxpayer backed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would buy. ACORN began giving seminars in ghettos across the country entitled "how to purchase a home". Former Clinton cronies at the top of Fannie and Freddie (like Franklin Raines and Jaime Gorelick) gave themselves bonuses in the tens on millions based on incentives for the amount of loans written. Nevermind that the loans were worthless subprime garbage. They pushed hard for as many of the worthless loans as possible. They said it was "economic justice". The losses to taxpayers would be like Enron x 10,000.
Ever watch 'Flip This House' and 'Property Ladder' a few years back. As a result of the Dems idiot moves, waiters and busboys were taking out multiple mortages worth more than they'd ever earn in their lifetimes and flipping houses. Housing prices became grossly inflated. The bubble burst and all the idiots defaulted on their "diversity loans". Banks were at risk of failing. Credit dried up. The stock market plunged. Unemployment surged. Welcome to the recession.
Barney Frank and Dodd (who's regulation started the problem) then tried to deflect blame by saying "we need even more regulation to stop this corporate greed". Douchebage like you parroted their bullshit.
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#404965 - 01/06/10 10:08 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Tranny Whisperer
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/02/03
Posts: 9221
The plain and simple FACT is that private lenders led the charge into the subprime market, and Fannie and Freddie followed suit later to restore their eroding share of the mortgage market. Democratic involvement that you have documented in your post is true as far as it goes, but frankly all of that was tangential and minor. The true and proximate cause of the mess we are in today are the ill-conceived and ill-executed strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Senator Gramm's legislation as passed by a Republican Congress and lax Federal oversight of the subprime markets by the Executive branch of the U.S. government under a Republican President. No matter how much you bob and weave and trot out various red herrings and try to use smokescreens to divert folks from reality, the fact of the matter is that the fingerprints of this disaster are upon a Republican former President and various former Republican-controlled Congresses.
Are Fannie and Freddie real people?
#404966 - 01/06/10 10:48 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
No, Alex, Fannie is a Federal agency that backs home mortgages and Freddie is the privated successor to the old Ginnie Mae, another New Deal-era governmental agency to back home mortgages.
#404969 - 01/07/10 07:52 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
Jack Cafferty Rips into Obama CLICK He must be a racist too!
#404974 - 01/07/10 08:14 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
 for the link. IMO Obama understands much of this, but is constrained by the vociferous and hateful GOP opposition. With respect to Coke, Thank you for proving my point. Fannie and Freddie did not originate ANY suprime loans, they merely entered the secondary market following the private lenders who initiate the "NINJA (no income, no job or assests) mortgages seeking unjust enrichment in the Bush-GOP era of deregulation, while Fannie and Freddie came to the table late merely in order to protect their market share. You have just conceded that the real estate bubble was caused by Wall Street and the GOP. Thank you for your confession of error. Confession is good for the soul.
#404975 - 01/07/10 08:24 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
You still don't get it, dummy. I guess the wikipedia article article needs work. Still laughing at the line "Fannie and Freddie followed suit later to restore their eroding share of the mortgage market".
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#404977 - 01/07/10 09:48 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
"followed" -lol
you're too stupid to fake it
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#404978 - 01/08/10 05:13 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Precisely. Fannie and Freddie increased their involvement in the subprime market only AFTER private lenders plunged whole hog into the subprime market. That is a simple fact, but please don't let facts get in the way of your ideological fixations.
#404979 - 01/08/10 11:00 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Fail. Even after your several attempts to research Fannie/Freddie because you made a complete jackass of yourself, you still don't get it. Fannie/Freddie set the standards on loans they will fund. Dems lowered standards at Fannie/Freddie so that even your average ghetto person with bad credit could get a loan. Banks could not turn away ghetto people who met the new non-standards.
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#404981 - 01/08/10 11:53 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
"Rough around the edges" - lol. You're trying to parrot arguments you've heard media liberals make, but you're fucking up because you don't even have an elementary understanding of how things work. You exposed yourself. You are a ra-tard.
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#404983 - 01/08/10 12:26 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gag Factor Guru
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/05
Posts: 5290
Loc: Dayton
#404984 - 01/08/10 12:29 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
#404987 - 01/19/10 07:18 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Coakley loses in a libtard state because even they hate Obammy's far left policies.
It's Bush's fault!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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#404989 - 01/20/10 04:10 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Odumba doesn't get it. He said that liberal Massachusetts elected a Repub because of "the same wave of anger" that swept him into office. So, the Massholes elected a Repub because they're angry at Bush - lol. He's fucking DELUSIONAL.
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#404990 - 01/20/10 05:48 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
I am actually shocked that the massholes got it right and correct this time. History is again made in Massachusetts.
It almost makes you wonder if you should go ahead and feel good about America again. All the labels and bullshit political smoke-screens you see on TV, the people of Massachusetts have shown that's not what really gets out the vote.. Even a state as iconically blue-blooded as Massachusetts can figure out enough to vote against their party when they're driving the country off a cliff. And, it was none to soon. They had just about signed that horrendous health care bill. That the masses in Massachusetts somehow figured it out enough amongst all the confusion thrown at them is awe-inspiring.
Odumba doesn't get it. He said that liberal Massachusetts elected a Repub because of "the same wave of anger" that swept him into office. So, the Massholes elected a Repub because they're angry at Bush - lol. He's fucking DELUSIONAL.
Massachusetts damn well may have saved the Democrats in November. It gave them a massive warning and there's still time for them to steer clear. A month ago nobody thought Scott Brown had a chance. Who knows what's gonna happen 11 months from now?
But, that bit Coke threw up there. That is Obama at the very least mis-speaking. If that's the core of what he's thinking and not just a bullshit slogan like "Change you can believe in!" to rally the masses, this Obama guy is 10 times worse than I was already thinking.
That said, I don't think the Democrats in Washington will change direction. Their heads work the way they work. A slap in the face in Massachusetts won't change that. They've still got a huge advantage in Congress which is plenty of ammunition to stroke their own egos with. It's not just a question of what Obama is really thinking. Congress pulls the president one way or another hard. Just ask Bill about '94.
#404991 - 01/20/10 09:41 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
The day after they're rejected by Mass libards for insane spending, the Dems propose $1.9 TRILLION increase in debt limit so they can continue the insanity. I guess the treasury can't run the printing presses fast enough. These lefties will not be deterred in their crusade to bankrupt America and then start over. Viva La Dumba! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100120/ap_on_bi_ge/us_congress_debt_limit_11
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