Odumba's "Green Jobs Czar" (lol) is "proud San Francisco comminist" (his own words) Anthony “Van” Jones. Good thing these czars don't need congressional approval like cabinet members. Not because he wouldn't be confirmed by the Dems (he would be), but because congressional Dems only like to assicate with trash like Jones when cameras aren't around.

Jones also has a long criminal record. One of his arrests was at the Rodney King riots (lol). Presumably he was trying to kick some white ass and get him a new tv (totally understandable).

On his website, Jones said “we’re not going to get a chance to spend a trillion dollars again! Ever. So let’s do it the right way!”. I hope you all plan to support a second stimulus.

Anti-American pinkos like him won life's lottery by being born in the USA, but they're sooooo angry they want to destroy it. The ungrateful coon should be strapped up and whipped like Kunta Kinte.

"CRACK! your name is Toby, damn it!"

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