Well how I see it Bush had 8 years to run this country into a pile of fucking shit...can we at least give Obama a few years to see what he can do?...also the gay marriage thing and the civil union as they call it...is right up there with separate but equal don't ya think?

I mean its all fine with you because you think its ok to discriminate against people as long as your not the one being discriminated against right?

Just give him some time guys...he has a lot of shit to clean up and he doesn't have all the power in the world this isn't a monarchy...(which Bush said he wished it was as long as he could be the monarch..yea...)...I am not saying this president will fix it all maybe he is just as dumb as Bush or whatever (highly doubt it), but give him eight years...we gave bush eight years...let give Obama eight...then lets pass judgement k?