Bla200 back for more schooling! That's the spirit!


Without any facts, any names, any numbers

Golly gee, I understand that in journalism they sometimes use things called anonymous or background souces. Ever hear of Watergate? I guess you imagine the Wall Street Journal just pulled the whole thing out of its ass. That's your problem. No one gives a shit.


why healthy banks took TARP money

I already explained that to you, moron. If banks like Wells Fargo didn't take TARP funds, government idiots felt the ones that did would have been stigmatized and thus still at risk of failing. They then dictated that all major banks would all be getting funds whether they wanted them or not. No bank was (or is now) in a position to defy their regulators. In the next few weeks we may even see a few bank CEOs get canned for show purposes (just as GM's Wagoner was just forced out).


He'd be a hero on Wall Street.

And he'd be the next CEO canned by Odumba for PR purposes! In addition, his bank would undergo a "a damaging public audit".


When was the last time you got laid without having to pay for it?

Today. And yesterday I fucked a stripper/whore. I enjoy the best of both worlds, just like Hannah Frickin' Montana.

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