
Fuck everybody else! I personally feel no need to do anything to help people who won't take it upon themselves to improve their lot in life. Even whores are better. At least a whore realizes their best asset is their body and take the steps to maximize their return to improve their life.

I work hard, I make my own money, I pay my own way & shelter every dime I legally can. If anybody wants to get ahead, they need to do the same.

It must be wonderful to know with absolute certainty that you will NEVER have a catastrophic illness or accident where, even if your insurance doesn't disallow the claim on a technicality, it would set you back hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars out of pocket.

I fail to see how other modern countries (so-called Socialist countries) can provide all of these types of social services at tax rates not far off from what we currently pay and we don't even get half of the services they do.
Tatty, what % do you pay in taxes in Canada
Fatman, how about you?

In the US the average citizen pays almost 55% of his total income in taxes and we certainly don't get what we pay for.

Federal personal income tax 17% to 25% rate.
It ranges from a credit up to well over 40%.

State & local income taxes 10.1%
State taxes range from under 6% to over 12%. Local taxes run from zero to 2.75%.

Sales tax 8.6%
Figure is the average rate. State sales taxes range up to 7% and local taxes run from zero to over 5%.

Social security & Medicaid 7.65%
Total rate is actually 15.3% since half is paid by the employer, but we're ignoring that to be kind. Source, box 1
Federal corporate income tax share 3% Based on corporate taxes being approximately 1/6 of personal taxes, and that they are paid by individuals in the final analysis.

Property tax 2.5%
Yearly average actual costs range from under $200 in Alaska to almost $1900 in New Jersey.

Fuel/gasoline tax .5%
Approximately 23% of the 2005 gasoline price is for federal & state taxes. The federal excise tax is 18.4 cents per gallon. Per the CPI, about 6% of the average budget is for transportation. Estimated.

Other 5%
Includes estate tax, fees, licenses, inflation losses, inheritance, deficit allowance, gift, and others too numerous to mention. Estimated.

A partial list of the various ways in which citizens of the US are taxed:

* Accounts Receivable Tax
* Building Permit Tax
* Capital Gains Tax
* CDL license Tax
* Cigarette Tax
* Corporate Income Tax
* Court Fines (indirect taxes)
* Deficit spending
* Dog License Tax
* Federal Income Tax
* Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
* Fishing License Tax
* Food License Tax
* Fuel permit tax
* Gasoline Tax
* Hunting License Tax
* Inflation
* Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
* Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
* IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
* Liquor Tax
* Local Income Tax
* Luxury Taxes
* Marriage License Tax
* Medicare Tax
* Property Tax
* Real Estate Tax
* Septic Permit Tax
* Service Charge Taxes
* Social Security Tax
* Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
* Sales Taxes
* Recreational Vehicle Tax
* Road Toll Booth Taxes
* School Tax
* State Income Tax
* State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
* Telephone federal excise tax
* Telephone federal universal service fee tax
* Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
* Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
* Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
* Telephone state and local tax
* Telephone usage charge tax
* Toll Bridge Taxes
* Toll Tunnel Taxes
* Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
* Trailer Registration Tax
* Utility Taxes
* Vehicle License Registration Tax
* Vehicle Sales Tax
* Watercraft Registration Tax
* Well Permit Tax
* Workers Compensation Tax

Source: http://www.nowandfutures.com/taxes.html

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What the hell happened?
I'd rather be ignorant than stupid. Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge which is easily correctable through education. Stupidity implies an inability to learn. Therefore; ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever!