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#404643 - 04/09/09 08:20 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
First of all, 'Germans' are no ethnic group. Secondly, Austrians have just as much (if not more) in common with Italians, Slovenes and Hungarian people.
Are you talking about the fucking historic Austro-Hungarian Empire? The Hapsbergs' kingdom? Lol? Sure there are non-Germans in Austria. So what?
German is an ethnicity. It tends to apply to, oh I dunno, people of germanic descent whose native language is German.
Germany didn't even exist until the later 1800s. There had been many smaller independent germanic states including: Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and AUSTRIA. Austria didn't become part of the original unified Germany for political reasons alone.
PS: Hitler and Nazism were more popular in Austria than in Germany. When Austria was annexed, the Nazi tanks were cheered. "The Sound of Music" was bullshit.
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#404650 - 04/13/09 05:27 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
I know what you mean:
Porn Icon
Reged: 01/07/06
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#404652 - 04/13/09 02:05 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
Careful Stevie, Cork's the sensitive type. Bruises like a peach and all. He'll add your name to list of people that have brutalized him in his sig line, YES...teh horror!1
He's fierce like the goink that pulled the plug on your Koala tv show that time.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn
#404654 - 04/14/09 03:04 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/16/07
Posts: 2512
Loc: Slumberland
This guy isn't even a good puppet. You know he knows nothing and doesn't want to know. He follows orders. Who those orders are from? No comment.
Are you talking about Coke or Obama? Either way I'm sure your answer will be THOSE EVIL JEWS.
#404657 - 04/18/09 03:14 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 316
Loc: Outside Daddy's new Church
#404660 - 04/21/09 11:04 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
In response to the tea party protests, Obongo and his cabinet are going to make $100 million in budget cuts! This is the equivalent of ONE DAY'S INTEREST on his 4 trillion dollar budget. He will now be able to put out talking points and soundbites about how his government is cutting back on expenses and is "fiscally responsible" - lol. The mainstream media will play along as it always does.
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#404661 - 04/25/09 12:44 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Mexico is experiencing a mutated swine flu pandemic. It is killing people and has already jumped the border. Will Odumba seal the border to prevent further cross-border contamination? Hell no! That would offend La Raza.
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#404662 - 05/01/09 03:12 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
This update has to do with Odumba's better half.
Michelle showed up to volunteer for a few hours at soup kitchen the other day - in $540 sneakers! Insensitive? You make the call.
Imagine how the mainstream media would squeal if Laura Bush or Nancy Reagan had gone anywhere with those shoes during a recession. Bias? You make the call.
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#404665 - 05/06/09 11:58 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Well well well. Last month the Obongo administration spoke of "reaching out to moderate elements of the Taliban". It quietly signed off on a deal between the Pakistan government and "moderate elements" which would allow the Taliban to control the Swat Valley (and install Sharia law there) in exchange for "permanent peace" -lol.
Well, it looks like the Bamster and his naive band of amateurs got snookered. The Taliban immediately began using the Swat Valley as a staging ground to take over the whole country and its NUKE ARSENAL. Doh ! They are closing in on the Pakistan capital. Who the fuck knows what will happen next.
Oh, well. That's what happens when you get a totally unqualified liberal amateur in the White House. Thanks to media for not vetting him because they thought having a spook in office would be nifty symbolism. Please tell us more about the Obamas' new dog and Michelle's toned arms. And thanks to all you ignorant Obongo voters for blowin' up the world.
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#404666 - 05/07/09 06:55 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
Pakistan's nukes are in the control of the Pakistani military, which is one and a half million strong and not very sympathetic to the Taliban. Most of the Taliban's following comes from the Northwest Frontier Province while most of the military is from the Punjab province. While I'm sure the Taliban would love to gain control of Pakistan's nukes they are a long, long, way from having the capability to do so.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#404669 - 05/07/09 03:10 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/11/06
Posts: 5287
Loc: Anchorage, Alaska
 Does anyone else think the right side of this mushroom cloud looks like a laughing clown?
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#404670 - 05/07/09 03:15 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
Good call Steezo...
Coke... decent thread. You're still a total and complete faggot and I'd fucken cave your head in if we ever met but you are somewhat entertaining. Albeit in the circus freak look at the clown in ashes type way Steezo just pointed out.
Sometimes it all comes together, yes?. Glad you could be here.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn
#404672 - 05/07/09 04:12 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
While I'm sure the Taliban would love to gain control of Pakistan's nukes they are a long, long, way from having the capability to do so.
The Taliban is definitely in a position to defeat the Pakistan army in the non-Pashtun areas and capture the capital (Islamabad). This was an unnescessary gift from the naive incompetant Odumba. Even if they can't get their hands on the nuke arsenal, at a minimum they will have materials and the expertise of sympathetic Pakistani nuclear scientists (serving and retired).
It describes in detail how General Petraeus reached out to moderate elements within the Iraqi insurgents to improve the situation in Iraq. In some cases outright paying them. It was an effective strategy that produced real results.
Iraq and the Paki/Afgani/Taliban thing are totally different situations. We didn't pay them off by givng them their own autonomous territory, did we? How do you think that would have worked out? As we know now, those moderate elements in the Taliban weren't moderate. The White House janitor could have figured that out.
Good call Steezo... Coke... decent thread.
No progress with the delusion, Loserpher? Still imagining that your assessments carry the weight of quarterly reviews from the offical head poster? So sad. In your honor, I will be making a donation to the National Mental Health Awareness Campaign.
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#404677 - 05/21/09 10:20 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
The senate voted 90-6 to deny funding to close Gitmo. Even the far left kooks voted against it. You see Obongo wanted to close it without even having a plan on where to move the ragheads. His press secretary then admitted the Gitmo closing shit had been "hasty". Doh!
Here's Obongo with his top national security advisor:
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#404679 - 05/23/09 12:09 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
This morning Odumba told C-span host Steve Scully "we are out of money." No shit, Sambo.
In his first 5 months in office he created more debt than all previous presidents combined (from George Washington to George W Bush). The interest alone will cost over a trillion per year. We'll be "out of money" for more than 40 years. The next generation won't have the option of spending their own money as they see fit. It's already been spent.
We all know the "nigger rich" stereotype for ghetto folks with a radically present-oriented mentality. The ghetto parent who has no money for rent or food for the kids - but oddly has money for expensive sneakers and gold chains. The black guy who wins the lottery and is broke two years later. Or Mike Tyson who earned 500 million in his career and burned through it all (and stiffed creditors by declaring bankruptcy). Or MC Hammer who had solid gold faucets and 24 karat doorknobs for a few years before returning to his penniless roots.
Well, Odumba sure as hell lived up to the "nigger rich" stereotype his first 5 months. Those of you who were stupid enough to vote for this inexperienced empty suit should be very proud.
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#404681 - 05/25/09 05:36 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Don't worry about the nuke set off yesterday by the North Koreans. The Dems are in charge! That ugly cunt Madeleine Albright said she was totally surprised when reporters told her she was Jewish at age 60. Jesus H. Christ, look at that nose. She could use it to tear up her food.
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#404682 - 05/26/09 09:45 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Today Odumba used affirmative action to nominate a spic (Sonia Sotomayor) for the Supreme Court. Her decisions have been overturned as unlawful 80% of the time they have been reviewed.
Here Judge Beaner says "I shouldn't say this because it's on tape" - "COURT IS WHERE POLICIY IS MADE". Wrong power grabbing cunt. She tipped her hand. This is how liberals make end runs around legislatures and voters to enact liberal shit like gay marriage. Anything not covered by the constitution is SUPPOSED TO BE referred back to individual states to address as they see fit.
After she caught herself, she gives a wink wink - "I know - we don't make laws". The liberal audience then laughs with delight. He he he. They should all get cancer!
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#404686 - 05/27/09 02:19 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/16/07
Posts: 2512
Loc: Slumberland
The Taliban is definitely in a position to defeat the Pakistan army in the non-Pashtun areas and capture the capital (Islamabad). This was an unnescessary gift from the naive incompetant Odumba.
I know debate with you is pointless, because you have no job and can post all day and night, but you do realize that it was Bush who was giving the incompetent dictator of Pakistan and his friends in the army and intelligence service with ties to the 'Taliban' a hand job for the last eight years, right?
The Pakistani intelligence service was letting the Taliban come across the border from Afghanistan and hide out from NATO forces ever since the invasion AND sent money and guns across the border in support. What did Bush and co. do? Give them more money!! Remember when Obama said during the campaign that the US should get tough with Pakistan and the right wing freaked out? How do you square this circle?
Oh yeah. Obama = nigger.
#404690 - 05/27/09 06:51 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 04/12/09
Posts: 28
Loc: Under a bridge
Well how I see it Bush had 8 years to run this country into a pile of fucking shit...can we at least give Obama a few years to see what he can do?...also the gay marriage thing and the civil union as they call it...is right up there with separate but equal don't ya think?
I mean its all fine with you because you think its ok to discriminate against people as long as your not the one being discriminated against right?
Just give him some time guys...he has a lot of shit to clean up and he doesn't have all the power in the world this isn't a monarchy...(which Bush said he wished it was as long as he could be the monarch..yea...)...I am not saying this president will fix it all maybe he is just as dumb as Bush or whatever (highly doubt it), but give him eight years...we gave bush eight years...let give Obama eight...then lets pass judgement k?
#404691 - 05/27/09 08:03 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
This Bush is an idiot shit needs to cease. No idiot ever handled the joystick of a US fighter jet. Not one. You don't get there with a low I.Q.
Obama won't get his eight years because there is farther to fall and blaming where we are now on Bush is going to seem pretty stupid in 20 yrs.
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