
Posting childish, racist pictures demeans your argument.

Indeed it does. The facts should speak for themselves:

Clinton 'Resets' Russian Ties -- and Language

GENEVA, March 6 -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday presented her Russian counterpart with a mock "reset button," a gesture designed to symbolize the U.S. desire to retool relations that grew testy during the Bush administration. But an American error in translating "reset" demonstrated how the two countries can still talk past each other and gave Sergei Lavrov, the often-combative Russian foreign minister, an opportunity to tweak Clinton...

(B)efore their meal in a hotel conference room with a panoramic view of Geneva, Clinton presented Lavrov with a palm-size box wrapped in a green ribbon. Lavrov opened it and pulled out a yellow-and-black plastic box with a red button that clicked -- a symbol of the Obama administration's determination to "reset" the relationship, as Vice President Biden phrased it last month in Germany.

Lavrov, a tough-minded diplomat, burst out in a smile. At Clinton's urging, Lavrov joined her in jointly pressing the button down for the benefit of the cameras.

The word "Reset" was beneath the button, and the Russian word "Peregruzka" was above it.

"We worked hard to get the right Russian word," Clinton said. "Do you think we got it?"

Lavrov, who never misses an opportunity for a diplomatic jab, bluntly said, "You got it wrong." The word, he pointed out, was two letters off -- it should have been "Perezagruzka." What was there, he added, actually means "overcharge."

Clinton burst out in laughter and declared, "We won't let you do that to us."

Washington Post