Directors? I've worked with a few who were good directors and actually seemed like they knew how to make a movie. The rest were fucking pimple faced post pubescent asshole shit for brains frat boys. Running around with their little Best Buy camcorders like they are really important Hollywood people or something.

There's a couple of them at the top of my shit list who really try to impress you with their houses and sports cars... Do you really think we are impressed and give a shit? Yea I smile and play a good game. Just show me the money and lets get busy. The sooner I get your self important stink off me the better. Yea baby, of course it was good... let me turn your asshole inside out with a baseball bat so I can return the favor.

Hope everyone is having a great day! I'm off to the mall now.

Alpha Bitch
Kindness is just love with its work boots on. Fuck with me and my boot will be up your ass.