Today and yesterday were pretty creepy as Daniel and Dana both came up in everyday conversations:
A couple weeks ago a little birdie sent me a link to some of Daniel's gay porno work; I thought all you fuckers were joking about his gay past so it was quite a laugh. My girlfriend finds the pic I saved on my hard drive yesterday and grilled me why there was a bunch of random gay porno on my computer. Stupid me.
Today she randomly asks out of the blue "Do you know who Dana DeArmond is?" I assume she saw a thread open here and turns out Dana's some guest judge at the Upright Citizen's Brigade for some show coming up she got a Facebook notice for. It turns out her friend from high school at UCLA is some participant in it.
A couple months ago the same bitch sent a lengthy ass e-mail out to all of my girlfriend's relatives (most of whom are WASP-y East Coasters) calling me a "quasi-porn star" with all sorts of details (most of them true). It caused all sorts of stupid drama. Now this stupid cunt is having her acting skills judged by the former girlfriend of this winner: