
Well it's comforting to know you're still a one trick pony. It'll be comforting when you're behind bars! The only "tricks" you know are the ones you rape and murder. Like the pony you promised that little girl before you raped her? Your mom goes to college! These are all up to your usual standards. Feel free to take your pick.

Dude! I must say, I'm impressed! You really are super smart, speaking of moms in college, I could have really used your help when I was going to school last summer,(I dropped out to get away from my teacher, the creep with a meth habit. No kidding.) So, does the rape come after the murder? *fingers crossed* Are you hot? Are you by any chance 62+ years old?... I hate ponies.
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend