aw thankyou
im tryin
posts like monkeys justm ake me try harder to be ab etter looking whore
if that old pic didnt exist to shame me into the gym, then id not be as improved as ive gotten so far right?
some people are just mean, and i knew that alot of mean people were here on xpt and liked it and stayed anyway
ive always liked mean boys
iprobably made a mistake coming out and saying i liked monkey
thats too soft for xpt lol
id have done better calling him names but im not very good at insults
so its all good

love, pretty


MR, Yooz iz an illiterets. Douchebag.

She has alot of potential and is a work in progress, she is ready, willing, and able. She shows her tits on here and that alone says alot about her, she is a good person and I think she is cute.

I am not one to say good things very often if at all about humans. But I get a good feeling reading her posts. It makes me feel like not everyone out there is rotten shit.

And for the record I'm no fanboi or whatever.

"Should send her our way, XPT could REALLY get her warmed up for any kind of abuse she might get later. "- nugent