We all know Holly takes enormous pride in her English roots. Which, growing up in southern California, must've carried added currency, given LA's pretentiousness and perversely intense anglophilia. But now that she's actually dating an Englishman, how long before she affects a british accent? It only took Madonna a few weeks after hooking up with Guy Ritchie, and Gwyneth Paltrow was actually polishing hers for years before she met Chris Martin [ In fact, I'm pretty sure she just married Martin so she'd have an excuse to use it! ]. I'm betting Holly has enough class to segue into it with a little more subtlety, but even money says she's already calling cookies "biscuits" and spelling color with a "u".

383529-hollyandtwit.jpg (18 downloads)

"We had part of a Slinky - but I straightened it."