GUESS WHAT?!?! I have to put this short story in honor of Jeff! The other night right before I went to bed, my boyfriend James and I started kissing... full hardcore passion baby! He licked my crotch and made me scream and wouldn't stop. GRRRr! THen we got down to the sex... i'm sucking on his fingers riding him and he plays with my pussy as im fucking him and then he's teasing my ASSHOLE!!!! He starts fingering my ASSHOLE!!! And continued to do this throughout the rest of the evening til we finished.

Now you guys are thinking, "big fucking deal" but it is a big deal cuz he never liked the idea of anal. He always preached exit only just like I did. Until the other week my cat managed to open my closet and pulled stuff out. While I wasn't home my boyfriend found DP Virgins #15 in which he never watches my movies. Has no interest. He's weird like that. But he never said anything about him finding it. Until a few days afterwards he confessed he found it and didn't know I tried anal and was surprised I even thought twice about it. I was sure he was gonna be disgusted. But he handled it quite well. I think that urged him to play with my ass.

My period is about to start soon so I'm wondering if he's gonna make an attempt to fuck my ass now. I mean this is great, he's finger my ass and sticks it back in my mouth. Oy vey! This one's for you Jeff. Now if I can just get him to do movies with me!!! That'll never happen I'm sure. lol