

Smart girl! I only look down on whores who don't get that ca$h.

...and that's my next sig, thank you very much! Hey Static...


...you're my kinda whore, & I like your style.

Thanx. It never crossed my mind I could get along with someone named "Dirty", since I am a misophobe. Well not as much as before.


No, no, no , I don't GIVE them the diaper money, I LEAVE enough in their hand for that after I snatch the rest of their cash from them during the robbery portion of our "date". I don't want to be thought of as cold or uncaring. I even let some of them "escape", so to speak, but most of 'em end up in the front of my trailer.

You a real gentleman, but if you reaally wanna

-Keep It Dirty

Forget about those ever so costly diapers. You will get twice, no, thrice the filth, at absolutely no cost to you!... Give the expression "the best things in life are free", a whole new and improved meaning.
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend