the anasthethic was twilight? they said? they gave me valium and some stuff in my arm it seemd like i was ABOUT to fall asleep the whole time but i felt nothing
it felt like a dream kinda
it hurts like hell when i get cold it feels like my tits are trting to crawl away from me lol
other tha n that its not so bad


Congrats, Pretty. Ugh goddamnit now I want new boobies. First order of business of course is my schnoz but the boobs need work too. I wonder what hurts more.

Pretty, How was the anesthesia(sp?)... Waking up was it hard?, Did it make you naseous? I tend to get nausea and slight hypothermia when I wake up from it ... Things that make me sleepy scare me.

Anyone else notice her spelling also got better? That's awesome.

"Should send her our way, XPT could REALLY get her warmed up for any kind of abuse she might get later. "- nugent