

Just keep reaching for it. Lets see. It went gia, then mr 2cit, then me, and finished up nicely with your gay fantasy(attachment included). Way to make a point, dullard. lol

I'm reaching for something? Does that make sense in the secret bff code you use to communicate with Have2Shit? And what does Gia have to do with you two complete losers?

By chance have you ever attended a Star Trek fan convention? I'm getting that vibe from you.

Mr2cit and I are far from friends, search lil guy.
It's fair to say that we both know a tard when we see one, aanndd that brings us to you, victim.
Take a bow, shit-tits.
Please do enjoy your time here though, I'll probably enjoy it more than you but who's fault is that?.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn