I was debating which is going to happen 1st. Will George fall off the wagon (assuming he hasn't several times already since becoming President). Or will someone in the media either trip over their tongue &/or choke on their drool when talking about Obama? Or yet still, will Obama prove all of his worshipers correct by finally walking across the Potomac (on water of course)?
Given, that Bush knows that he is genuinely hated & he actually heard the boos directed at him during the transfer of power ceromonies (not exactly classy I admit) & the "don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya" send off that the crowd gave him when he and Laura took off in the helicopter, and Dallas isn't exactly receiving them with open arms, I wonder how long it will take for him to hit the bottle (or several of them) & have Laura leave him? I mean it is one thing to be hated and be oblivious to it (or to be in denial), but it is something all together different to be hated and to be all too aware (which I am sure he is by now). I almost felt sorry for him today for a second, but then I came to my senses and remembered that I am one of the majority that can't stand the man.
Watching the inauguration coverage, all of the sappy accolades & idolization of Obama almost made me sick (and I voted for him). It got so bad that I swore I saw drool seeping from my television (and I wasn't even watching any porn). I swear it's only a matter of time that either someone in the media will choke on their own drool, trip over their tongues, or both. This country has been left in such a mess, that they are unwittingly setting Obama up for a big fall (creating expectations that can never be realized). I guess the media didn't learn a damn thing about what happens when they lose their objectivity (see the mess in Iraq). I voted for Obama, and I expect much better things from him than we experienced the last 8 years (I mean seriously, how can he do any worse?), but enough is enough with the idolization from the media & those paid to hold elected officials accountable! I mean come on,they are already blaming the fact that the Dow Jones was off by about 300 points today on Bush (as "a final send off") as opposed to the fact that Obama took office and ripped on greed during his speech.
Finally, I still believe anyone would be better for this country right now after 8 years of Bush, but last time I checked, I don't think Obama can walk on water. But with all the hype, who knows? Only time will tell I guess. Remember the end of days is December 21, 2012 (see Maya Calendar), which is during his 1st term, so maybe the Messiah really did come....just a little early.
I'd have to say the even money bet is that "W" falls off the wagon 1st, simply because I believe he already has