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#391113 - 01/15/09 06:36 PM
The Obama worship has got to stop!
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 698
Loc: CA
Every media source is treating Obama like the savior of America and I can't stand it any longer. Jesus Christ! Obama is just a fuckin' crooked politician. Just take a look at the people he appointed. It's going to be another 4 years of partisan bullshit in DC, where the insiders continue to get rich and the rest of us eat shit. We've got Obama plates, plaques, coins, books, magazines, and billboards. Songs sung by school children about how Obama's sent by God. GIVE ME A FUCKIN' BREAK! I'm gonna shit when I get my tax bill, knowing every dime is going to some corrupt dick that donated to the right campaign and fixed the right precinct. FUCK!  America --->  <--- Obama
#391114 - 01/15/09 06:49 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
For fucks sake... Flashback to 4+ months ago. Like anything you tards say/think/vote matters. People hate on Panzer for similar reasons, Yes?.
None of you are equipped to influence the other intellectually, much less sway public opinion. The fact that the mutual masturbation is happening on a porn board is funny on so many levels though. Please do carry on.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn
#391116 - 01/15/09 07:16 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
Chuck.. your av never achieves penetration. You have bigger fish to fry. Yes? Off ya go.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn
#391117 - 01/16/09 03:36 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/03/03
Posts: 5849
Loc: TX, USA
The worship will end in a few days when people discover that even after the inauguration they're still unemployed, they still can't afford their mortgage, and the deficit is hitting records even Bush never approached.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock
#391119 - 01/16/09 06:37 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains
I hope I am wrong but of course it will be more of the same, I firmly believe that you cannot ascend to the top of American politics without being a dick. However you have to give a new guy at least a year before you start to criticize him for the state of things in the country. After that I would hope that the same people who loved to post their anti bush articles will be starting anti obama threads if he doesn't improve things in the country.
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me.
Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"
#391120 - 01/16/09 07:35 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
I don't know why we are wasting money giving him Secret Service protection when every reporter that works for NBC/MSNBC is more than willing to jump in front of a bullet for him.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#391121 - 01/16/09 09:38 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
just wait till they name a USN vessel or an airport after him as we have done with the senior bush-
Houston George Bush (IAH) Airport
#391122 - 01/16/09 11:50 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 4468
Loc: Great America
#391123 - 01/16/09 10:30 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
It's not so much worship, but relief that Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the Repugs are being drummed out of power. Relief that our President will be able to string words, and thoughts, together in a manner befitting a great nation. Relief that the so-called "Main Street" will get a fair shake, and some of that "bailout" money will go to the people instead of the corporations who have hurt America with their incessant lobbying, outsourcing, tax-dodging, union-busting, and excessive executive compensation. Relief that the people in charge, read books, magazines, the "Internets" and newspapers, AND CAN FORM INTELLIGENT THOUGHTS FROM SAME, and make decisions based upon the facts.
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#391124 - 01/16/09 10:43 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
I just like Obama's oration...very unique with flair...I have yet to hear anyone speak his way....maybe I really should get out more!
#391126 - 01/17/09 12:14 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Registered: 08/05/05
Posts: 2116
Loc: Faber College
Doesn't Revelations say that the anti-christ will be, among other things, very adept oratorically?
It was a wonderful community with some very enjoyable members. But the vast majority were like German housewives circa 1943 prenteding that horrib;le smell wafting through their open windowsd was just the neighbors having a cookout..--Windsock
#391128 - 01/17/09 02:15 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Doesn't Revelations say that the anti-christ will be, among other things, very adept oratorically?
lets see if he can put his hand on good old Abraham Lincoln's bible..... 
I have a years supply of garlic, wooden stakes...holy water...mirrors....oh shit thats for vampires...so what the rule for the anti-christ?
#391129 - 01/17/09 06:43 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
It's not so much worship, but relief that Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the Repugs are being drummed out of power.
Relief that our President will be able to string words, and thoughts, together in a manner befitting a great nation.
Relief that the so-called "Main Street" will get a fair shake, and some of that "bailout" money will go to the people instead of the corporations who have hurt America with their incessant lobbying, outsourcing, tax-dodging, union-busting, and excessive executive compensation.
Relief that the people in charge, read books, magazines, the "Internets" and newspapers, AND CAN FORM INTELLIGENT THOUGHTS FROM SAME, and make decisions based upon the facts.
No, it's worship. If it was just a case of getting rid of Bush Hillary would have got her ass kissed just as much by the media. Instead she got a cold shoulder.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#391130 - 01/17/09 07:58 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 12/23/08
Posts: 75
Loc: Washington, D.C.
The softness of the media is a reflection of the mandate for change. The competition for ratings demands a popular approach. I haven't done anything yet as President. I assure you the fourth estate will cast a critical eye on all the new administration's actions. Quote:
Relief that the people in charge, read books, magazines, the "Internets" and newspapers, AND CAN FORM INTELLIGENT THOUGHTS FROM SAME, and make decisions based upon the facts.
And this is why I must keep this Blackberry. I look at many internet forums, to get a reflection of all parts of the country. It isn't that President Bush is not intelligent, his handlers had him in a bubble. I need to hear everyone's opinion, good and bad.
This is a time for unity. After the initial financial crisis is overcome, we will have vigorous debate on many topics. I plan to govern from the center, and be as inclusive to conservative voices as I can.
Let's stop the Bush bashing, OK? That's not the path to unity.
Yes, we can.
#391132 - 01/17/09 04:20 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 04/01/07
Posts: 717
Loc: Off the mortal coil
Relief that our President will be able to string words, and thoughts, together in a manner befitting a great nation.
Ever heard him speak something non-rehearsed? He's no better than Bush aside from word usage. And he's a politician from the most crooked state (governmentally) in the US and has appointed crooks to his cabinet. If you think he's anything more than hype, you're a fucking moron.
#391133 - 01/17/09 08:29 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/18/us/politics/18poll.html?hp"Poll Finds Faith in Obama, Mixed With Patience President-elect Barack Obama is riding a powerful wave of optimism into the White House, with Americans confident he can turn the economy around but prepared to give him years to deal with the crush of problems he faces starting Tuesday, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll. *** As the nation prepares for a transfer of power and the inauguration of its 44th president, Mr. Obama’s stature with the American public stands in sharp contrast to that of President Bush. Mr. Bush is leaving office with just 22 percent of Americans offering a favorable view of how he handled the eight years of his presidency, a record low, and firmly identified with the economic crisis Mr. Obama is inheriting. More than 80 percent of respondents said the nation was in worse shape today than it was five years ago. By contrast, 79 percent were optimistic about the next four years under Mr. Obama, a level of good will for a new chief executive that exceeds that measured for any of the past five incoming presidents. And it cuts across party lines: 58 percent of the respondents who said they voted for Mr. Obama’s opponent in the general election, Senator John McCain of Arizona, said they were optimistic about the country in an Obama administration. *** His favorable rating, at 60 percent, is the highest it has been since the Times/CBS News poll began asking about him. Overwhelming majorities say they think that Mr. Obama will be a good president, that he will bring real change to Washington, and that he will make the right decisions on the economy, Iraq, dealing with the war in the Middle East and protecting the country from terrorist attacks. Over 70 percent said they approved of his cabinet selections. *** By a number of measures, Mr. Obama appears to enjoy more good will from the American public than did his recent predecessors. For example, 68 percent of respondents said he would be a very good or good president; at this point after the disputed election of 2000, just 43 percent of respondents said that about Mr. Bush." Wow. +25% over incoming Bush. For Coke Stevenson, that's one out of every four people being optimistic about Obama than were not optimistic about Bush Jr. I also suspect the inauguration will be at least 25% more attended than that of Shrub's 2000 affair.
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#391135 - 01/17/09 10:21 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Human Garbage
Registered: 09/18/08
Posts: 1574
just wait till they name a USN vessel or an airport after him as we have done with the senior bush
I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some bill already proposed to name our next unnamed carrier (CVN-79, to be completed in 2018 if we still have the money) the USS Barack Obama. Why not? Chicago's already planning to rename Chicago Midway Airport the Barack H. Obama International Airport.
How many public streets in black-dominated neighborhoods have already been re-named for America's Greatest President Ever? In St. Louis, they're renaming Delmar Boulevard as Barack Obama Boulevard.
In Hempstead on Long Island, the former Ludlum Elementary School has been renamed Barack Obama Elementary School.
The irony of it will be that the area named for the great black leader will remain a fearful shithole. Like Martin Luther King Boulevard in most metropolitan areas, this is where you go to score drugs and/or get robbed. At least the carrier will be kept shipshape by the Navy.
Of course, lots of parents -- I'll bet these are black parents -- are already naming their newborn sons Barack. While this is an improvement over Oranjello or Lemonjello (or ESPN, the white parent's fucked-up name choice of the 21st Century), it's still too much tribute for the man whose life's achievements are beating Alan Keyes and John McCain.
Mark my words, in 25 years' time the name "Barack" will seem as sadly dated as being named "Adam Ant" would be today.
#391138 - 01/18/09 07:24 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
I'm willing to wait and see, but all I'm getting from him so far is a Jimmy Carter tax and spend vibe. Haven't we done this already? It's looking more and more like a Carter second term. Puts me in mind of a bad Hollywood sequel. "Malaise II - It's back and this time, it's Black!".
#391139 - 01/18/09 08:24 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/15/AR2009011504008.html"Americans, Feeling the Love With Obama's Election, Expatriates Say, There's a New Attitude Abroad. Instead of Challenges on Iraq and WMDs, They're Met With Hugs and Good Wishes. LONDON, Jan. 15 As Micha Wyatt plans an inaugural bash at the Chicago Rib Shack in London, she is basking in the new warmth toward Americans overseas. It's cool to be an American again, Wyatt said. "Finally! I'm tired of pretending I'm Canadian." *** Americans interviewed said they suddenly have new cachet. Some compared the feeling to the heady days after the fall of communism."
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#391142 - 01/19/09 07:28 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
BTW precisely when did the inaugeration of the President turn into a combination Live Aid concert and Jerry Lewis telethon? This overkill is making me long for the good old days when the musical highlight was a shitty blues guitarist that moonlighted as the chairman of the Republican National Committee.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#391143 - 01/19/09 07:33 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
But TUP, it's Obama, you can't be suggesting we scale anything back that's for Obama. He's gonna make every problem in the world go away with the snap of his fingers.
#391144 - 01/19/09 10:40 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Zip Coon
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 04/01/07
Posts: 1958
Relief that our President will be able to string words, and thoughts, together in a manner befitting a great nation.
Ever heard him speak something non-rehearsed? He's no better than Bush aside from word usage.
Yes I have, many times. Even when speaking extemporaneously, his ideas have clarity and amazing forethought.
Without a doubt he has studied the issues and is incredibly prepared.
Yeah, he pauses a lot and injects his speech with "umm..s" and "aaahs". Its only because he is exceedingly careful with his words when he knows he is on the record. Personally, I wish he would loosen up a bit in these cases, but that is the "politician" in him (not wanting to get caught with gotchas).
However, I have seen behind the scenes footage of the DNC Convention where he is just clowning around and his speech is much more flowing as he is not discussing hard policy issues (that require concise wording).
#391145 - 01/19/09 10:54 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
However, I have seen behind the scenes footage of the DNC Convention where he is just clowning around and his speech is much more flowing as he is not discussing hard policy issues (that require concise wording).
That means nothing. I've seen BTS of GWB and he is a good conversationalist as well. Obama is far & away a better public speaker than Bush, but your last statement is irrelevant.
#391146 - 01/19/09 11:00 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Zip Coon
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 04/01/07
Posts: 1958
However, I have seen behind the scenes footage of the DNC Convention where he is just clowning around and his speech is much more flowing as he is not discussing hard policy issues (that require concise wording).
That means nothing. I've seen BTS of GWB and he is a good conversationalist as well. Obama is far & away a better public speaker than Bush, but your last statement is irrelevant.
What I was getting at is that he only goes "...ummm.." and "...aaand..." a lot when he is speaking officially and trying to form perfect statements on the fly. He is more deliberate in this manner than say other politicians like Joe Biden (who just lets it flow no matter what).
#391147 - 01/19/09 11:33 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Registered: 12/26/07
Posts: 2056
Relief that our President will be able to string words, and thoughts, together in a manner befitting a great nation.
Ever heard him speak something non-rehearsed? He's no better than Bush aside from word usage.
Yes I have, many times. Even when speaking extemporaneously, his ideas have clarity and amazing forethought.
Without a doubt he has studied the issues and is incredibly prepared.
Yeah, he pauses a lot and injects his speech with "umm..s" and "aaahs". Its only because he is exceedingly careful with his words when he knows he is on the record. Personally, I wish he would loosen up a bit in these cases, but that is the "politician" in him (not wanting to get caught with gotchas).
However, I have seen behind the scenes footage of the DNC Convention where he is just clowning around and his speech is much more flowing as he is not discussing hard policy issues (that require concise wording).
Concise wording like 'typical white person', 'spread the wealth around' or that one about guns and religion clinging rednecks?
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja
#391148 - 01/19/09 11:45 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Zip Coon
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 04/01/07
Posts: 1958
Concise wording like 'typical white person', 'spread the wealth around' or that one about guns and religion clinging rednecks?
This just illustrates my point.
These are examples of when he was speaking to individuals off-the-cuff and made careless statements that did some damage politically.
Though the whole "spread the wealth around" thing was taken waay out of context. Listen to the entire, unedited "Joe the Plumber" conversation. Barack's point was that when everyone does well, the rich get richer too.
#391150 - 01/20/09 04:18 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
Ahhhh!! At last it's Coronation Day. King Barack will come to the world stage and sweep out all the evil. He will replace the ugly repugs with great, honorable and wise leaders like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney The Faggot, Henry Waxman and Charlie "What..Me Pay Taxes?" Rangel. Disease will be erradicated, Wars shall be banished, Ethiopia will have enough food and the Arabs & Jews will all sit down and play Scrabble together. Long live King Barack!!
#391154 - 01/20/09 09:06 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
For such a great orator, Obama sure made a mess out of repeating his oath of office.
#391155 - 01/20/09 09:18 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
That's because there was no teleprompter.
#391156 - 01/20/09 09:21 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
Yeah, he is doing well with the speech. I wish that lexan barrier was a little higher.
#391157 - 01/20/09 10:49 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!

I want Demi sans her boy toy...from her Striptease days....mammoth melons...very nice 
I pledge to never watch another movie containing these two douchebags again. So help me God!
#391158 - 01/20/09 10:52 AM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
For such a great orator, Obama sure made a mess out of repeating his oath of office.
cnn is saying it was the chief justices fault....it appears that John Roberts forgot the constitution.
#391160 - 01/20/09 01:09 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
For such a great orator, Obama sure made a mess out of repeating his oath of office.
cnn is saying it was the chief justices fault....it appears that John Roberts forgot the constitution.
Pretty sure they'll be saying that a bunch of times in the years to come.
CNN? You mean King Barack's video propaganda division?
#391161 - 01/20/09 01:11 PM
Re: The Obama worship has got to stop!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
I almost shit my pants earlier. A Fox correspondent started crying while giving his assessment. Fox I tell you.
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