
1. This is an ugly bitch, in my opinion. She has her eyes at the side of her head. But, whatever.

understandable. she's not your type. she's over 8 years old and female.

But come'on who won the over/under on this clown talking shit about the girl? I mean that was as predictable as LAPD pulling over an ethnic.

good thing, like in real life, your opinion matters not.


2. fagstyle whined:

Self-inflate much, lately?
You really believe your clients should stay loyal to your invaluable services till they quit porn? Keep it real, please. It's a business. If someone else makes a better offer, clients leave. Get with the program, matey!

you really are a cunt faced douche bag. you must have been shat out by a mongoloid monkey that was patient zero for retardations.

OF COURSE it's a fucking business you self-sucking cock lover. It's you with the over inflated sense of self worth thinking you have anything to add. because you aren;t saying anything that isn;t already known by any animal with more than one brain cell. granted that excludes your mother and significant other, but I'll give the people you play "rub the nub" a pass.

I can assume reading takes a back seat to finger paint and crayolas to you so I'll give you a break for missing the point since I'm sure you were distracted by sniffing your own flatulence.

if some one else can offer a better deal or do what I do for less fucking money, then feel free to take them up on the offer. That's being smart. Something your dad was when he slit his wrist upon your birth.

My motto: "whoever has the best hustle wins."

but I was referring to something else. Here's an example for everyone else because, quite frankly you are blinded by your agenda to talk shit about me than acutally make a point.

I had one girl last AEE where we did press, arrange interviews for her, get her to host some parties, then she says "well i could do all this on my own" and guess what? she didn;t. This is fact, this has come to pass. It's not me talking shit. It happened.

So drop another faggoty ass retort that's as limp as your cock when you try thinking about the opposite sex because it has as much impact as here as you do in the real world

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