
Name any other part of the entertainment industry that owns a person's name?

WWE. Ask The Rock or any of those cats.


A music label might own the rights to the songs or a music manager owning the name of the group/band. But I've never heard of any part of the entertainment industry owning someone's name except for porn.

Maybe that's what Prince thought too, until Warner Bros. corrected him.

and honestly I don't blame any company that put its time and effort into promoting and growing an name/brand and not wanting to own it, especially in this industry.

What? do all the work then be told to fuck off after they get big? fuck that noise.

I empathize. I'm in a situation where I have worked for some clients who after all the hustle and bustle have been told that I didn't do a damn thing for them and they could do better themselves....that was, of course, right before they disappeared into obscurity.

Shit, if I could own a clients name, I would. just for the security that if I am going to jump through hoops I want a little loyalty. That is something that that girls like Eva Angelina have in spades.

Vince McMahon: "We're in the business of creating monsters. I'm proud of the fact that the WWF creates monsters. And I don't know that it's not a lot like the old Hollwood star system-- You know, years ago, you know. And-- But then after you've created the monster, hopefully you have wherewithal to hang on to the monster. If not, the monster's gona turn around and bite you."

--there is some truth to that. just change the word "monster" with "star"
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