
I have a serious question please...I have been on this board for about 1 1/2 years (lurked for about 8 months reading posts) and I honestly don't have the vaguest idea why Mia takes so much heat on here. She doesn't act like an ass on the board and she is definately very attractive, so without getting into a pissing match could someone please enlighten me. Thank you in advance.

Let me put it this way...there is a certain strata of the male population that is uncomfortable in the presence of females, or the prospect of interacting with one.

Also, there is a definite degree of 'George Bernard Shaw' syndrome about the place as well.


So, George Bernard Shaw. Apparently (and I looked this up [1]) he's remembered chiefly for his superhuman sacrifice for the sake of an epigram:

Lady Asquith: "Mr Shaw, you and I should make love - with my looks and your brains we'd have great children."
Shaw: "Aha, but what if it had my looks and your brains?"
At which point Shaw retired to the garden to exclaim "I've just blown out a definite shag! What a stupid fucking wanker!"

Combine the two, and you get the bigger picture. Given the choice between getting sucked off by Mia Rose, or chasing Mia Rose off of XPT, I tend to think posters like Lou would opt for the latter. There's more l33t bragging rights in it, apparently.