Nettles SAVED the 1978 world series for the yankees. Game 3, the dodgers were leading the series 2-0, and they kept threatening to score and take a 3-0 lead in the series. But nettles made 5 (FIVE) totally impossible diving miraculous plays and throws AT THIRD BASE in the game, and robbed that fucking asshole steve garvey of at least 5 RBI. It is estimated that Nettles saved anywhere from 7 to 10 runs with his plays. And the thing was, he made those kinds of plays ALL THE TIME, everyday.

But people only wanted to remember him for his towering homeruns. He had 32 HR in 1976 to lead the league in a year when NO ONE hit any homeruns (Reggie was second that year with 27 dingers playing for BALTIMORE!) thurman won MVP in 1976, otherwise Nettles might have got it. Then, in 1977, Nettles had his BEST year ever when he hit 37 Homers and drove in 107 RBIs, finishing second in dingers to JIM RICE's 39. But 1977 was ROD CAREW's year as he flirted with .400 and hit .388

Nettles was Playoff MVP in 1981 when he single handed BEAT the Oakland A's in the ALCS sweeping them 3-0....Nettles drove in 10 RUNS in the 3 games.

My favorite quote from NEttles: in 1978 Spring training, Sparky Lyle, who had won the CY young award in 1977 as a reliever/spot starter, was griping about the yankees slamming him in the face bu signing Goose Gossage in the off season after Lyles record setting season as a reliever. No one could understand it, least of all Sparky. So nettles says to him "You went from Cy Young to Sayanora".
Are you gonna eat that?