
I don't think I have ever heard Traci say the industry abused her.

Darrah. Sit down. Listen.

IT'S NOT TRACI WHO SAYS IT, IT'S EVERYBODY ELSE!!! Some with a grudge against porn. Some because it makes it titillating. Some because it's interesting trivia. But, most because that was the government's stance when they were going after the porn producers, so that's what the media reported.

You seem to be the only one not to get it. Many people don't like porn and pornstars. The ONLY reason Traci is accepted to any degree she's accepted by those people at that time is that she was [AND is] the postergirl for porn victimhood.

She's not an ex-porn star. Her porn days were "annulled" by her being "tricked by the porn industry". The fact that that might not be fact doesn't matter. It's been accepted as fact. QED.

I am NOT saying that Traci asked for this, wanted it or condones it. But, it exists and she has benefited from it.

Bottomline, I see no evidence of Traci Lords opening any doors for anyone.

Credit Ginger Lynn and Veronica Hart for things like "Cleo/Leo". Hell, even Lil Cinderella for her druggie role in "Boogie Nights". The softcore actresses of the early 90s going lezzie hardcore, like Jacqueline Lovell and Lorissa McComas, which made it easier for real hardcore actors and actresses to get Cinemax roles in this century, and thus make a path to some kind of mainstream. There are many examples.

But, not Traci. Her path was unique. And, god bless her, she made the most of it.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink