“Sex get away”…is that what you kids now call it…….
This is merely common Standard Operating Procedure in porn…..buy hey don’t get me wrong…..the adult industry doesn’t hold the patent for “screen testing” the talent…..I believe that the “square” end of the industry had that down pat way before they were shooting adult content in LA county.
Wow….someone decided to use their power or influence to sexually harass their so-called employees……or did you go and think that she may have willingly gaven herself to him….in order to be in good favor with him…..
Gee I never thought to think that someone would give themselves so willingly just so they could be the “flavor of the week”….and get personal preference over other talent just cause she was fucking the boss….damn they do that in good economic times…I would hate to see the level that they may have sunk too now.
Nope I have never heard of that one……so Stacy is it…..when you get back to reality….give us all a call.
And as far as Kevin and Kelly are concerned..they are SWINGERS…you imbecile…..so they are already banging other people and they know all about it……
Stacysimmons = relationship police