The tampon was apparently tested to determine if defendants touched it:

Before Davis took the witness stand, forensic scientist Lisa Turpen gave her testimony.

Turpen, a Washington State Patrol DNA analyst, did DNA tests on some of the evidence in the case. Those tests included a condom wrapper and tampon found in the Kappa Alpha Theta bedroom where the alleged rape occured. She also tested a sexual assault evidence kit, or rape kit, completed Sept. 13.

She found DNA on the condom wrapper from the victim and two men, she said. The complex mixture of DNA did not rule out the possibility of more than three individuals.

She said both Schott and Reid could have contributed to the DNA on the condom wrapper. However, forensic statistics show one in three Americans would also test as potential contributors. Therefore, DNA tests could not conclusively pinpoint or exclude Schott or Reid, she said. An Ohio DNA analyst, who also tested evidence, told the jury she found male DNA on the victim’s tampon string. The amount of DNA was too small to identify a contributor.