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#381653 - 12/24/08 05:18 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 11/22/08
Posts: 857
Loc: Northeast US
1st of all, use paragraphs fuckstick.
2nd, if Desi fucked up anything with your kid, then you are an even more worthless parent than she is.
Perhaps you and Desi can share a drink? I hear Jim Jones makes great Kool Aid.
You just want to do a scene with me, so I'll make you look straight. - Gia Jordan to Stevie Why?
#381654 - 12/29/08 11:45 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 07/31/08
Posts: 122
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
First, I'm not scared of you dipshit. I've been here for the past year since you started this shit. Sounds like maybe your daughter won and you lost your wife. Good for them. I commend your daughter for being so strong!! You know you're a perv. That's why you're here spreading this vile shit instead of going to court. I only come by once in awhile to laugh. It's great entertainment to watch these guys blast your sick ass! Other than that, I'm too busy building FoXXMediaGroup.com to deal with your high school games. Crawl back under your rock, Slug, no one wants you here and no one believes your shit!! You just give me more ammunition to rid the world of sicko pervs like you!!!
Desi Foxx
Pornstar and Bunny Babe
#381656 - 12/30/08 08:02 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/17/08
Posts: 27
Your a 48 Plus year old gutted hag of a woman doing sex flicks with her own young daughter, Doing all of this at the same time, in the same room with the same guys and you call me a sicko? I believe the majority would differ with you! At 48 you had to resort to sex to make money and have your daughter workin to support you and you were a successful business woman? I believe the majority would not agree with that either! I guess whats worse is that you actually get off on it!
#381657 - 12/30/08 01:38 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
You'd likely kill to fuck either of them, lovely ...  Which one shot you down??
Amo i Gemelli!!
#381658 - 12/30/08 03:19 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 07/31/08
Posts: 122
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
btw dipshit, I thought you were The Big Slueth but you can't find my name? Everyone knows my name is public record now. I put it there so assholes like you can't use it as a tool against us anymore. You know it too. You don't have a case is why you don't sue. The more shit that comes from your mouth only proves what you're up to which is a sleazy lying smear campaign. No one cares and no one believes you so you just dig yourself deeper every day!
And I do know there's more than one of you on here. One of you can get disbarred for what you're doing. I suggest you stop because what you proposed before is enough to lose your license on. What you're doing here can put the nails in your coffin quite easily!! Lose your license to practice law, are Elli and I really that important to you??
You see, they can't take us to court because they can't prove we're just crazy porn whores here. I look just as good as you in my designer suit and carrying my briefcase. I can also articulate quite well when needed. Who they going to believe, a business woman with a good background or a perv who ties girls up and fucks them for sport?? Or someone who wanted to fuck my daughter for a legal fee??
Bring It On!!!
Desi Foxx
Pornstar and Bunny Babe
#381662 - 12/30/08 04:49 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
will a bucket of pig's blood drop on my head soon?
If you get an invite to the prom, you know the answer.
And, PLEASE what makes you think women would be any better to women??
I can tell you that my experience tells me women tend to be worse to other women than men are.
When the women at my sister's wall street firm insisted that they promote at least one woman to an executive position, some of them actually whispered that the women who got promotions slept with the execs. This was their own friend!
I've heard women be far less understanding about women who are raped when they are being honest. The statement "She was asking for it" is very common amongst them.
When I was in college and wanted info on some chick, I used to approach her friends while drinking and say all kinds of over the top crap about they girl. Invariably they'd tell me I was "full of it," and then I'd get the deep dirt I was after. Such loyalty.
As a union rep, I've seen women, mothers even, deny other women maternity leave, be less understanding about family issues and be downright mean about female health matters.
I've seen women who owned companies try to cut family healthcare. I've seen women with more than enough cash hire illegal child care "nannies" at below market wage. I've seen women who basically enslaved illegal housekeeping staff [and were convicted of it].
What if Leona Helmsley owed a porn company?
Basically, women can be the shitty equals of men.
Amo i Gemelli!!
#381665 - 12/30/08 10:06 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Why is California going bankrupt? Gee, it could have something to do with the hundreds of billions it spends on health care, education, welfare programs, law enforcement and prisons to accomodate illegal immigrants. I'll blow a fucking gasket if the rest of the country floats California a bailout. In 50 years it's going to be the Mexican state of Azatlan anyway. If California needs a bailout, why not ask the beaners you're all so fond of?
"You have been banned from making any new posts or sending private messages. The reason for this ban is: meh, cause i can"
#381666 - 12/31/08 12:43 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 12/18/07
Posts: 68
Loc: Orange County, CA
Nice try Coke. Despite what Rush Limbaugh may have told you, it is not clear that illegal immigrants cost any of the border states money. Most illegal immigrants cross the border when they are already working age and leave without using retirement benefits. Thus, the government saves money in not having to educate the majority of them and not having to pay retirement.
In addition, it is a common myth that illegal immigrants don't pay taxes. If you review IRS Form W-7, it provides a TIN number that allows the illegal immigrants (and others) to file taxes despite the fact that they do not have proper citizenship status. Obviously, some work under the table in the same way that strippers, waiters, valets, etc., do in order to cheat on their taxes. California actually relied heavily upon the economy to produce taxes, including taxes on Real Estate. With the enormous loss of real property revenues, the state has been slow in cutting spending to offset some of the losses. Sometimes the most obvious answer is the correct answer.
Thread Hi-jack over.
#381667 - 12/31/08 03:24 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 12/25/08
Posts: 843
Loc: Sydney Australia
Why is California going bankrupt in two months when they have porn, Hollywood, and half of the music industry in the state?
#381668 - 12/31/08 06:16 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Nice try Coke. Despite what Rush Limbaugh may have told you, it is not clear that illegal immigrants cost any of the border states money. Most illegal immigrants cross the border when they are already working age and leave without using retirement benefits. Thus, the government saves money in not having to educate the majority of them and not having to pay retirement.
In addition, it is a common myth that illegal immigrants don't pay taxes. If you review IRS Form W-7, it provides a TIN number that allows the illegal immigrants (and others) to file taxes despite the fact that they do not have proper citizenship status. Obviously, some work under the table in the same way that strippers, waiters, valets, etc., do in order to cheat on their taxes. California actually relied heavily upon the economy to produce taxes, including taxes on Real Estate. With the enormous loss of real property revenues, the state has been slow in cutting spending to offset some of the losses. Sometimes the most obvious answer is the correct answer.
keep telling yourself that, chica.
since illegals are so profitable for California, maybe it can avoid bankruptcy if it brings in a few million more. open the border completely!
"You have been banned from making any new posts or sending private messages. The reason for this ban is: meh, cause i can"
#381670 - 01/02/09 11:37 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 07/31/08
Posts: 122
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
Hey Darrah, nice to see you back and writing some great stuff here. It's funny that even though we were once on such opposite sides, we have so much in common as well. Good questions but the answers all lie in Control! As long as it all stays this way, They keep Control!! And Fatman, you are correct. Women can be even more cruel than men more times than not. Look at our industry and you can see the women who have been here and know the ropes. They don't normally share their knowledge and they don't use their positions to better The Biz. Some of these women actually think that they had to go through all the shit so any other girl coming into The Biz has to earn her right to be here same way! It's bullshit but it's true. You know how many times we've heard "you can't call yourself a Pornstar, you haven't been in The Biz long enough to earn that right". Out with the old and in with the New is my theme for 2009. The industry is changing and it's time this kind of control changes with it. The girls are what porn is all about so why is it that only a few really make it here? What did they have to go through and give up to in order to get there?? I think if we all look at who's considered Tops out there today, we'll find some of those answers staring right back at us
Desi Foxx
Pornstar and Bunny Babe
#381671 - 01/03/09 02:00 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Human Garbage
Registered: 07/07/08
Posts: 1621
Loc: Hell
Some of these women actually think that they had to go through all the shit so any other girl coming into The Biz has to earn her right to be here same way!
Yeah I think that too. It's like being initiated into a big dysfunctional sorority. But they're all in the same boat. Support one another and stop giving the companies and the men all this power. While they live in nice big homes in Woodland Hills, most performers can't afford to pay basic utilities and living expenses. If I was running porn, the landscape would look so different. Yes keep it dirty. I'm a perv like anyone else. But treat everyone fairly and pay them what they should be paid. When you start getting too greedy, you will get burned.
I saw that asshole Donald Trump the other week talking about Bernie Madoff. He never invested with him but knows people that have who lost pretty much everything. They invested 100% of what they had AND mortgaged their home to give to Madoff so to make them more money. MORE MONEY?! Why can't people, like porners, be happy with the money they do make, which is already a lot? Porners make so much money and want to make so much more and treat the performers like shit. They start doing extreme porn and want even more money. Now they've either lost all their money because of their greed or they're in prison now like Max. Greed will kick you in the ass. Madoff's sons turned him in and he's now the most hated person on the planet. He even screwed his own, other Jews! If someone doesn't kill him soon, the paranoia and stress will do him in!
#381674 - 01/04/09 04:41 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Human Garbage
Registered: 07/07/08
Posts: 1621
Loc: Hell
Good. Now you two are allies. My question to you Darrah is this: Would you, if by any chance you were to get laid and have a child, let your daughter do porn to help " balance the power" in the industry? Because now, she would have you on her side, making those landscape moving decisions about what is best for Porn Valley. Then, let's say your "plan" backfires, and , as usual, nobody cares , would you resort to doing scenes with your daughter? THEN, bring fame and riches to your family by appearing on talk shows while your "reputation " gets tattered by everyone with a grudge coming out of the woodwork? And now, after all else has failed, your plan for changing the structure of porn has as much support as you do here, when do you call it quits? And, by the way , a "Tunnel Bunny" is a prostitute who hangs out at the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels in NYC, not a sex column in the Village Voice, so even that plan has hit the shitter. My advice: Porn whores are porn whores. Just like the day is long . Things will never change. As long as there is a hot, new, young piece of ass wanting to get choked with a cock, and then have it stuck in their ass, and then get paid for it, things will not change. Especially when slobs like the "Foxxes" are in ( or WERE) in this business. And this quote is great by the OLD FOXX "Out with the old and in with the New is my theme for 2009". Please get out if you are going to follow your own mantra for '09.
There's a better chance of peace in the Middle East and Heath Ledger coming back to life than me ever performing in porn. So everything you asked is pointless then.
#381678 - 01/04/09 08:44 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Human Garbage
Registered: 07/07/08
Posts: 1621
Loc: Hell
Immovable object? Just because I wouldn't do porn doesn't mean I'm a dead fish. Anyone who knows me here knows I wouldn't perform in porn. I've tried to convince girls to leave porn!
And yet you profit from the porn industry by writing a blog about it. Fucking hypocrite!
Profit? I make no money. I don't have the traffic yet to justify seeking out sponsors. And as I've said somewhere else here, I'm Catholic and went to Catholic school all my life. We're pervs but we feel guilty after.
#381682 - 01/04/09 08:10 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Human Garbage
Registered: 07/07/08
Posts: 1621
Loc: Hell
Profit doesn't necessarily have to be monetary.
Well which other way am I profiting from it? I don't receive gifts or tickets to parties or anything like that. I've turned down gifts and free swag because I don't give out personal information for it to be mailed to my home.
#381684 - 01/08/09 02:26 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 07/31/08
Posts: 122
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
Yeah Redgoat. That's what you'd like right? Mom stayed home and you sick fucks take my daughter. No one can say that Elli would be better off if I wasn't here. I'm the only thing standing between the sick fucks in this town and Elli turning out like the others you fuckers take advantage of. Just look in the mirror and you'll understand! This is a thread about me. What's your excuse for being here?? Another hater with no life?? If you think we're all whores, than what are you that you follow our lives so intently? And a person who doesn't have the balls to put his name and face to his shit talk is just all shit!! You wish you could have us baby but you aint' got the balls
Desi Foxx
Pornstar and Bunny Babe
#381688 - 01/08/09 08:15 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 11/22/08
Posts: 857
Loc: Northeast US
No Beef, it would just make you an ADDT level douchebag. Quote:
No one can say that Elli would be better off if I wasn't here. I'm the only thing standing between the sick fucks in this town and Elli turning out like the others you fuckers take advantage of.
Chances are, Elli would've never ended up in porn without your wonderful influence from day 1, you old whore. Probably had her huffing paint after school with your boyfriends so all of you could take advantage of her underage balloon knot.
You just want to do a scene with me, so I'll make you look straight. - Gia Jordan to Stevie Why?
#381689 - 01/08/09 09:50 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 94
Also, this sick fuck would never take out any private part around any relative.
In my 20 plus years as a nudist, I have seen many nudist families enjoying spending time with each other, private parts (whatever that means) and all. In fact they are the most well adjusted people I have ever met.
I will admit to a Menage a trois with a mother/daughter team in Vegas, and would like to do the same with the Foxess. How about it Desi?
#381690 - 01/09/09 04:50 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
Just for reference purposes:
How much did you pay for the m/d team in Vegas and what did you get for it? Anal, fisting, pissing, A2OGM?
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.
#381691 - 01/09/09 07:50 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 94
There is a long story and a short story. For this group, I'll tell the short story.
This happened in 2002, and when all was said and done, it cost a grand each, plus the agency fee. Tried to convince my bank to extend my credit, to no avail, but then I found an ATM that would do that for me. I did manage however to win most some of that back at the Blackjack tables
I found them in the Yellow Pages, of all things. Could be considered a rip off by most people, but it fulfilled a fantasy. Just regular sex (mostly by the mother, the daughter was the helper) and a bit of dirty talk and giggles.
If you have any more questions, I will be happy to answer them.
#381692 - 01/09/09 10:41 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 11/22/08
Posts: 857
Loc: Northeast US
With credit cards being some of the worst debt to carry around, why the name and choice of Visa's, man?
You just want to do a scene with me, so I'll make you look straight. - Gia Jordan to Stevie Why?
#381693 - 01/09/09 10:56 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
With credit cards being some of the worst debt to carry around, why the name and choice of Visa's, man?
he shoulda gone with something catchy...like say..perhaps....."Carte Blanche"
#381694 - 01/10/09 12:24 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 11/22/08
Posts: 857
Loc: Northeast US
I was thinking a $23.50 gift card for Walmart, tom-ay-to tom-ah-to
You just want to do a scene with me, so I'll make you look straight. - Gia Jordan to Stevie Why?
#381697 - 01/11/09 12:02 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 94
With credit cards being some of the worst debt to carry around, why the name and choice of Visa's, man?
It's a handle I've used since 1997 at least. Let's just say it was work related, it's no longer a valid excuse, but that's who I am. Just Google it.
#381698 - 01/11/09 02:04 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
^^^ Lawyer?
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#381700 - 01/11/09 10:25 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 07/31/08
Posts: 122
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
It's one thing to answer shit that has relavance but your shit talk is old, old shit and we're tired of smelling it here. Can't come up with something worthwhile so you always go back to the bad mom thing. Then you say yourselves that Elli is an adult and can make her own decisions. You contradict your own shit. And since I've made twice the amount that Elli has since moving to LA, I believe I'm helping to support my daughter, not the other way around. And I guess the fact that we're getting 10,000 hits a day at FoXXMediaGroup.com shows that no man wants us. HAHAHA
These sites are for people to talk about porn, yes. It's not for assholes like you to use for your own gain by attacking girls with bullshit. It's all just shit talk, doesn't make sense and doesn't have any truth to it.
You just show you are the sick fucks I'm talking about. It's easy to see the difference!! I'd rather be me anyday of the week then to be your nasty, sick ass for one minute!!
Btw, Darrah's writing is like a best selling novel compared to the shit talk you waste our time on!! At least she talks about relevant material.
Desi Foxx
Pornstar and Bunny Babe
#381704 - 01/12/09 05:45 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
Desi quacked: Quote:
...I'd rather be me anyday of the week then to be your nasty, sick ass for one minute!!
I'm sincerely glad to hear this, because it means that I will not be called upon to be you at any time in the near and distant future. That's a load off my shoulders. Thanks for making this day a pleasant one.
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.
#381707 - 01/12/09 07:00 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
Ellie's got a new decent scene with Marie McCray on TeenyBopperClub.  I just adore that firecrotch McCray.
Amo i Gemelli!!
#381708 - 01/13/09 01:48 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 07/31/08
Posts: 122
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
Thanks Fatman. Marie is a great girl and they had a fun time making that one!
Desi Foxx
Pornstar and Bunny Babe
#381709 - 01/13/09 01:54 AM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 07/31/08
Posts: 122
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
You know, Redgoat, if you're going to spend so much time on our sites, maybe you'll consider a membership when it's time LOL! It might help if you had a brain though. Check your facts, Scarecrow! The film was just shot in November 08 with Asylum Films. Here's the link brainless: http://www.azmovies.net/18-year-old-virgin.htmlWhy don't you go find something worthwhile in life to do like eat shit and die  !!
Desi Foxx
Pornstar and Bunny Babe
#381712 - 01/13/09 03:16 PM
Re: Desi Foxx Running from Bankruptcy & Bill Colle
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
Desi Foxx' idea of worthwhile: Quote:
eat shit and die
What a great life Elli must have had till now.....
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.
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