And now it has gone sad. Here is a bulletin post from today:

DANA HAYES NEEDS HELP!!! This is not a joke or a scam! I am Dana's friend and she has asked that I post this message for her. A series of horrible and unforeseeable circumstances have resulted in Dana Hayes needing IMMEDIATE help! She has been kicked out of her home and has been left destitute. She is literally without food, money, electricity, phone or food for her beloved dog. PLEASE see it in you heart to help her! She has no phone and no way to check her myspace so please just go to the room where she's currently located and bring money or food or dog food or anything you can. Again, this is no joke! If you go there you will see her! She's ill and stuck there without anything that she or her dog needs to survive. She needs any help you can provide! 9707 Geyser Ave. Northridge Calif. 91324 Her room is around back, around the pool. There's a sliding glass door. ALSO. she really really needs dog food for her dog! ALSO a good home for her precious dog would be SO helpful as well. Can anyone please help her with this. Dana is so sorry to ask this of her fans and friends but desperate times really do call for desperate measures. Thank you and Dana thanks you. XOXO

If I had the cash, I would help this woman. At least she isn't on the internet blogging about a bunch of nonsense and blaming it on the whole world. That we know of...
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!