
I don't know how a judge would allow showing a movie of hers during the proceedings. What relevance would that have to the case, presumably her charge that she was hit by someone else and wants restitution for damages suffered. Would her making porn make her less prone to suffering, or show that because she is a 'loose woman' she deserves no restitution? We probably need more facts - was she incorrectly parked? Did she do something that caused the accident? Etc. Sounds dire though.

It could be relevant. If she testified to certain physical injuries and that she had pain when doing certain activities, a movie made after the date of the accident could be used to impeach her testimony.

For example, if she testified she had unbearable neck pain, but had done a scene where she was in the pile-driver position for an extended period of time, that would go to her credibility.

If the movie was made prior to her accident, then yes, it is hard to imagine why it would be relevant.
Michael www.AdultBizLaw.com