The BBC is an extraordinary outfit. They know how to spend money, and this show is an extraordinarily worthy enterprise. The ocean attracts us all. I'd like to return to it like Bruce Dern at the end of 'Coming Home'. This series is very illuminating on the subject of the sea and the life contained within. It's like outer space really, lots of empotiness with occasional frenzy. Sometimes schools of fish form balls that are then devoured by a variety of predators. "Feeding frenzy" they call it, a phrase thatr Brandon shrewdly co-opted in his career after appearing with his twin brother in 'Kids in the Hall'. It is an elemental portrait of life, and it is disturbing and beautiful. The less said about the creatures on the bottom the better. But their is relief. An ocean faring crab provides comedy. But by and large all is at risk and fleeting. "Collective murder" as Herzog callede. it. The sea is vile. It's all vile. Ge5t solace while and where you can. :drunky;
"you aint felt fear till you felt a sista question you on things you dont wanna be questioned on."---GUAPO