"While the media elite have showered praise on the "poetry" of Barack Obama, they've conspicuously ignored the true bard of the presidential race: Sarah Palin. The Alaska governor's campaign pronouncements have consistently demonstrated a fragile Haiku-like quality that have often challenged the listener to explore not only the subject at hand but also the very nature of meaning itself.


Never Again
Let's commit ourselves
just every day
American people:
Joe Six Pack
hockey moms
across the nation.
I think we need
to band together
and say
Never Again."

"A realization just hit me like the explosion of a roman candle firing across the sky: Sarah Palin isn’t inarticulate; she’s a beat-style poet, extemporaneously constructing stream-of-consciousness, free-verse works of art during interviews."

"A great poet needs to leave open the door between the conscious and unconscious; Sarah Palin has removed her door from its hinges. A great poet does not self-censor; Sarah Palin seems authentically innocent of what she is saying. She could be the most natural, visionary poet since William Blake.


The talent of a woman who can improvise a perfect 17-syllable haiku live, in front of 30,000 people—

What’s the difference
Between a hockey mom and
A pit bull? Lipstick

—must not be wasted!"

"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.