I went to see an interesting documentary at the Arclight Theater in Hollywood on Friday night. It was part of a screening series for the American Film Institute and I’ll just reprint the description:
Agile, Mobile, Hostile: A Year With Andre Williams (2008)
He’s written and recorded numerous hits and worked with Barry Gordy, Ike Turner and Stevie Wonder, to name a few. But Andre Williams has also struggled with addiction, poverty, and homelessness. This documentary follows as he embarks upon another comeback and faces up to his years of reckless living. 2008 USA 88 minutes Video
You can see the trailer here:
– I really enjoyed parts of this video. It was shot with an HD camcorder and the directors, Tricia Todd and Eric Matthies, attended the screening and did a Q and A with the audience afterwards. It was interesting to hear about how they partied with Andre and followed him to Chicago, Belgrade, Zagreb and New Orleans. Andre battled drug and alcohol abuse but seemed to be well-aware of the toll he was taking on his body as he fought to be able to perform into his seventies. He claimed to have been the one to give Stevie Wonder his name and wrote incredibly raunchy lyrics about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Don’t believe me? Check out the opening of “Jail Bait” from 1957:
I’m running
Yes before it’s too late
Trying to get away
From that jail bait
It’s a rough temptation
But a common invitation
And a good association
But a quck elimination
That will take you out of circulation
Yes I’m talking about that younger generation
So take my advice fellas
For goodness sake
15, 16, 17 that’s jail bait
See Andre sing it on youtube:
Agile, Mobie, Hostile made me wonder where I was headed with all this gettin’ head-ed. Will I still be worried about women not using their teeth even when I have none myself? On what continent will I be shooting when I become incontinent? And at what age does a man stop jerking off to 20 year old eager beavers?
Hopefully, never. There is a Peter Pan of Porn who wants to never grow up. Jonny Appleseed ain’t got nothing on me. I’m gonna sow my loads from coast to coast, try not to boast, and stay as cool as the cucumbers that are swallowed by the oral artistes eating goo in this perfect porn paradise.
If a black man can be President by winning an election then a white man can get sucked into his Golden years by keeping an erection. YES WE CAN!!! YES WE CAN!!! WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA’AM!! ‘Scuse me, Miss….what’s that? You want more money? NO YOU CAN’T!! NO YOU CAN’T!! Baby, I’d love to tip you but my campaign finance is in need of a little reform if you know what I’m saying. I did a little too much pork barrel spending and I don’t even know what the fuck that is. Now you just help out the economy by tightening that belt on those ridiculously-tight jeans that obviously don’t even need a belt anyways.
Four more years! Four more years! Keep me in my oral office. I will work day and night to — well, I am kinda busy during the day…..but I can definitely swing the night shift……You know what? Come to think about it, this whole Daylight Savings shift has made night start a little bit too early. Add that to global warming and now everything is fucked up. My balls are burning up with lust so don’t tell me about the fucking ice caps. If a polar bear has to die so I can get a quality blowjob, I say we teach those furry bastards to swim! Send that Gold medal dude to teach those blubbery beasts how to do the backstroke. Listen, let’s compromise. I am willing to work from 10pm to 11pm three days a week for the next four years.
Is that good enough for you? Cuz it suits me just fine. No VP for me but there is an opening for a DP for motivated ladies. Send your applications to
brandoniron_99@yahoo.com. Just answer if you know whether Africa is a country or a continent, please. I want the highest qualified cocksuckers in my Administration.