AIG's "too big to fail", so their signs will never become ironic artifacts of 2008.
On an aside, some good news:
"AIG won't pay $10m severance, Cuomo says
Bloomberg News / October 17, 2008
NEW YORK - American International Group, following criticism by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, won't honor a $10 million severance agreement with outgoing chief financial officer Steven Bensinger, Cuomo said.
Cuomo met with AIG's new chairman and chief executive Edward Liddy yesterday, the attorney general said. Liddy agreed to provide an accounting of all compensation paid to AIG's senior executives and assist in recovering any illegal expenditures, Cuomo said. The payments include those made to ex-chief executive Martin Sullivan and Joseph Cassano, former head of the financial products unit for the New York-based insurer.
AIG, which received an $85 billion bailout from the US government last month, also agreed to immediately cancel all junkets and perks, according to the statement jointly issued with AIG.
"If unjust compensation was paid and the company was undercapitalized, we believe we have reasonable grounds to capture funds," Cuomo said.
The company will be canceling more than 160 conferences and events, some exceeding more than $750,000 per event, which Cuomo's statement said will save more than $8 million.
The company also will institute new expense management controls, Cuomo said, to prevent any unwarranted expenditures."