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#366676 - 10/10/08 06:09 PM
3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Lengthy, but worth the read...Fictitious Donors Found in Obama Finance RecordsLast December, someone using the name “Test Person,” from “Some Place, UT,” made a series of contributions, the largest being $764, to Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign totaling $2,410.07. Someone identifying himself as “Jockim Alberton,” from 1581 Leroy Avenue in Wilmington, Del., began giving to Mr. Obama last November, contributing $10 and $25 at a time for a total of $445 through the end of February. The only problem? There is no Leroy Avenue in Wilmington. And Jockim Alberton, who listed his employer and occupation as “Fdsa Fdsa,” does not show up in a search of public records. An analysis of campaign finance records by The New York Times this week found nearly 3,000 donations to Mr. Obama, the Democratic nominee, from more than a dozen people with apparently fictitious donor information. The contributions represent a tiny fraction of the record $450 million Mr. Obama has raised. But the questionable donations — some donors were listed simply with gibberish for their names — raise concerns about whether the Obama campaign is adequately vetting its unprecedented flood of donors. It is unclear why someone making a political donation would want to enter a false name. Some perhaps did it for privacy reasons. Another, more ominous possibility, of course, is fraud, perhaps in order to donate beyond the maximum limits... (A) contributor who used the name “Jgtj Jfggjjfgj,” and listed an address of “thjtrj” in “gjtjtjtjtjtjr, AP,” was able to contribute $370 in a series of $10 donations in August. A pair of donors named “Derty West” and “Derty Poiiuy,” who listed “rewq, ME” as their addresses and “Qwertyyy” or “Qwerttyyu” as either their employer or occupation, contributed a combined $1,110 in July... The complaint followed an article on the conservative Web site Newsmax.com that highlighted thousands of dollars in contributions, made in increments of $25 dating back to March, from “Good Will” in Austin, Tex., who listed his employer as “Loving” and his occupation as “You,” as well as thousands in small contributions that started last November from a “Doodad Pro” in Nunda, N.Y., with the same employer and occupation. Doodad Pro and Good Will, who made more than 1,000 contributions each and whose totals far exceeded the $4,600 that individuals can legally give to the primary and general elections, were flagged by the F.E.C. in standard letters regarding excess contributions sent to the Obama campaign. The commission alerted the campaign about Good Will as early as June, giving it 30 days to respond. The Obama campaign refunded several thousand dollars in contributions to the two donors, even before receiving the letters from the F.E.C. But its campaign finance filing in September showed it had failed to refund more than $10,000 in donations from each of them, although Obama officials say all of the money has now been returned. Even though Good Will made more than $7,000 in contributions to the Obama campaign in March, and even more after that, Suzanha Burmeister, marketing director at Goodwill Industries of Central Texas, a nonprofit group whose address matches the one listed by the donor, said the organization was not contacted by the campaign until September. The group was not asked about fraud but instead received several letters informing the donor that he had exceeded his contribution limit for the primary and asking if he wanted to redirect the excess to the general election.Someone from the group immediately called the Obama campaign, Ms. Burmeister said, and was told it was having “integrity issues” with its online donations... The contributions from Doodad Pro shot up to $11,275 in February alone, of which F.E.C. records show the Obama campaign refunded only $2,550 initially.The address listed by Doodad Pro leads to Lloyd & Lynn’s Liquor & Wine in Nunda, a town of about 3,000 people. Lynn Kirwan, one of the store’s owners, said they used to share an address with a consignment shop called Doodad’s. Several months earlier, she said, the local police contacted the store to ask about some athletic equipment that had been ordered by a Doodad Pro, but she said they had heard nothing from the Obama campaign.Another donor apparently connected to Good Will and Doodad Pro, “Fornari Usa,” listed the same “Loving” and “You” under employer and occupation, and made a series of $25 donations to Mr. Obama in May, totaling $1,050. The address leads to a women’s clothing store, Fornari U.S.A., in Milpitas, Calif. Levi Lazo, a sales associate, said she and her manager were mystified by the donations. “None of us,” Ms. Lazo said, “have made any contributions.” SOURCE+ + + Yep. There's your unique new paradigm in politics in action...
#366677 - 10/10/08 09:15 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
You snipped out some of the article, Jim.
Here's two of the missing paragraphs:
"It appears that campaign finance records for Senator John McCain, the Republican nominee, contain far fewer obviously false names, although he has taken in about $200 million in contributions, less than half Mr. Obama’s total. Mr. McCain did collect about $173,000 from donors who appear in campaign finance records with only a name and have no other identifying information. Mr. Obama collected about $314,000 from such donors.
Although campaigns have long wrestled with questionable donations, Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, said the record-setting number of new donors Mr. Obama has drawn, many of them online, presents new challenges to a compliance system that remains stuck in the past."
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#366678 - 10/10/08 09:33 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Thus, the ellipses. I think there's a bit more, actually, if you feel like digging.
The thing is: McCain's not the one presenting himself as the candidate of some ill-defined "Hope" or "Change." Nor has he been described by Chris Matthews as being "New Testament." Certainly, no one has proclaimed him to be "The Messiah."
#366679 - 10/10/08 09:44 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/04/mccain.transcript/"Sen. John McCain spoke to the Republican National Convention on Thursday night. Here is the text of that speech" " And let me just offer an advance warning to the old, big-spending, do-nothing, me first, country second crowd: Change is coming. I'm not -- I'm not in the habit of breaking my promises to my country, and neither is Gov. Palin. And when we tell you we're going to change Washington and stop leaving our country's problems for some unluckier generation to fix, you can count on it."
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#366680 - 10/10/08 09:46 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
I'm wondering if the Obama campaign is behind the ACORN debacle. I have no proof, but I do have my suspicions.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#366681 - 10/10/08 09:54 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Change is coming.
Ah, but has he made it his catchphrase?
Sorry, but after a year of hearing Kos toss around the word "McSame," I find it funny as fuck that Obama turns out to be the same as the rest of them.
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#366682 - 10/10/08 10:10 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
I'm wondering if the Obama campaign is behind the ACORN debacle. I have no proof, but I do have my suspicions.
The New York Times reports that "according to Sam Graham-Felsen, who blogs on the Obama campaign’s Web site, Mr. Obama himself linked his 1992 work to Acorn in a meeting with Acorn’s leaders in November.
“Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drives in Illinois, Acorn was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work,” Mr. Obama said, according to a post Mr. Graham-Felsen made in February."
#366683 - 10/10/08 10:17 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
Shame on Obama for not remaining "hands-on" ACORN on a daily basis since 1992!!! What?!? Was he busy with other things (e.g. trying to coral a wandering McCain in Debate II, running for various elective offices, dealing with the Clintons, ad infinitum)?
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#366684 - 10/10/08 10:23 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Bill Ayers.
Tony Rezko.
Jeremiah Wright.
These things start to add up. More than balances out Keating.
#366685 - 10/10/08 10:32 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
The March of the Nattering Nits of Distraction...
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#366686 - 10/10/08 10:42 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Ah yes. Just distractions. You keep telling yourself that.
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#366688 - 10/11/08 12:20 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Here's what CNN has to say about the ACORN... um... distraction:Thousands of voter registration forms faked, officials sayCROWN POINT, Indiana (CNN) -- More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana's Lake County by a liberal activist group this week have turned out to be bogus, election officials said Thursday. The group -- the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN -- already faces allegations of filing fraudulent voter registrations in Nevada and faces investigations in other states. And in Lake County, home to the long-depressed steel town of Gary, the bipartisan Elections Board has stopped processing a stack of about 5,000 applications delivered just before the October 6 registration deadline after the first 2,100 turned out to be phony. "All the signatures looked exactly the same," Ruthann Hoagland, a Republican on the board. "Everything on the card filled out looks exactly the same." The forms included registrations submitted in the names of the dead -- and in one case, the name of a fast-food restaurant, Jimmy Johns. Sally LaSota, a Democrat on the board, called the forms fraudulent and said whoever filed them broke the law."ACORN, with its intent, perhaps was good in the beginning, but went awry somewhere," LaSota said. Over the past four years, a dozen states have investigated complaints of fraudulent registrations filed by ACORN. On Tuesday, Nevada authorities raided an ACORN office in Las Vegas, Nevada, where workers are accused of registering members of the Dallas Cowboys football team. And the group has become the target of Republican attacks on voter fraud, a perennial GOP issue. A subsidiary of the group was paid $800,000 by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign to register voters for the 2008 primaries, and ACORN's political wing endorsed Obama back in February. But Obama's campaign told CNN that it "is committed to protecting the integrity of the voting process," and said it has not worked with ACORN during the general election. Brian Mellor, an ACORN attorney in Boston, said the group has its own quality-control process and has fired workers in the past -- including workers in Gary. But he said allegations that his organization committed fraud is a government attempt to keep people disenfranchised. "We believe their purpose is to attack ACORN and suppress votes," Mellor said. "We believe that by attacking ACORN, they are going to discourage people that have registered to vote with ACORN from voting." CNN was unable to reach ACORN officials in Gary and in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the group's Indiana operation is based. Offices in both cities were empty when reporters visited. Lake County elections officials have set aside all 5,000 of the ACORN-submitted applications in what Hoagland called the "fake pile" for later review. But she said every one will be reviewed before the election to make sure no legitimate voters are skipped. There has been no evidence of voter fraud yet, because voters have yet to go to the polls. But elections officials say they will be sending their information to prosecutors, who will determine whether any investigation will begin. "We have no idea what the motive behind it is," she said. "It's just overwhelming to us." SOURCE (With Video)
#366689 - 10/11/08 06:56 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#366690 - 10/11/08 08:37 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
#366693 - 10/11/08 08:40 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
They are all a fucking MESS!
Yes they are, Gypsy. But, to Obama's credit, I hear he's taking steps to address the honesty issue. I'm told these new posters will hit the streets Monday:
354829-Fraud.jpg (1 downloads)
#366694 - 10/12/08 07:46 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
http://open.salon.com/content.php?cid=27676OCTOBER 10, 2008 5:59PM Who’s Afraid of ACORN, and Why Today, the McCain-Palin campaign released the Web ad attacking Barack Obama for his ties to ACORN. It’s important to understand the deep roots of the right’s fear and loathing of ACORN and the lengths they’ve gone to t stifle the group’s efforts to broaden Americans’ electoral participation. Last summer, I reported in Shelterforce magazine on the Republican-directed vendetta against voter registration, orchestrated from the White House against those, like the grass-roots anti-poverty group ACORN, who have a history of working to register poor and minority voters. The vendetta backfired and helped lead to the firing of New Mexico’s U.S. attorney David C. Iglesias, who infuriated state GOP operatives for failing to go after voter-fraud allegations with sufficient zeal. ACORN came under White House fire after registering more than 1.6 million voters in the past two national elections: mostly poor and minority people who tend to vote Democratic, and mostly in swing states. Republican operatives went after ACORN hard, with a media smear campaign, trumped-up lawsuits in Florida, New Mexico, and Ohio, and pressure on state law-enforcement officials to file criminal charges against the group. Days before the 2006 election, a U.S. attorney in Kansas City brought a voter-fraud indictment against four people registering voters for ACORN, spurring a congressional investigation led by Iowa’s Republican Sen. Charles Grassley. The GOP voter-fraud vendetta might have remained exactly where Bush loyalists wanted it—below the radar of the press—had it not been for the scandal surrounding the firing of eight U. S. attorneys, including David C. Iglesias of New Mexico. Iglesias lost his job in December 2005 after he declined to prosecute a voter-fraud case against ACORN, which had been registering large numbers of voters in the state’s low-income and largely minority neighborhoods in 2004. Prominent New Mexico Republicans, including U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, had repeatedly complained to chief White House political strategist Karl Rove about Iglesias’ failure to bring voter-fraud indictments. Once Iglesias said he couldn’t prove a case against ACORN, his days were numbered.
ACORN became a target because of its successful voter-registration work. As the 2004 election approached, then-Attorney-General John Ashcroft launched a broad initiative to crack down on supposed voter fraud in battleground states, including Florida, Missouri, Ohio, and New Mexico, where ACORN was making headway registering voters. In all of those states, Republicans filed suits against ACORN for voter fraud, and, in every case, ACORN was exonerated.Nevertheless, conservative media continued to smear the group. In October of 2004, right-wing news outlets pounced on a story about the organization mishandling voter forms and, according to Rush Limbaugh, “trying to register voters two and three times.” Two years later, after the 2006 election, the Wall Street Journal promoted claims that ACORN was under scrutiny for election irregularities with one headline blaring, “A union-backed outfit faces charges of election fraud.” An editorial included an allegation—that ACORN gave cocaine to a worker in exchange for fraudulent registrations—that was a complete fabrication.After Al Gore beat George W. Bush in New Mexico by just 366 votes in 2000, the state became the site of a bitter battle over voter registration. By the fall of 2004, as the race between Bush and John Kerry tightened, ACORN had signed up more than 35,000 voters statewide. But one of the new voters turned out to be a 13-year-old son of a Republican policeman. State Republicans filed a lawsuit against ACORN. The suit was dismissed for lack of evidence, Iglesias announced at a press conference that he would look into the matter, declaring, “It appears that mischief is afoot, and questions are lurking in the shadows.” But, by January 2005, Iglesias concluded that his voter-fraud task force had not turned up enough evidence to bring a fraud case against ACORN. By early December 2005, he had been fired. In theory, the U.S. attorney scandal should have made it harder for the Bush administration to continue to level baseless charges of voter-fraud in an effort to challenge the registration of poor and minority voters. But the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division had hired 11 lawyers from the conservative Federalist society, including two people from the Bush-Cheney campaigns. The intense media attention to Attorneygate didn’t curb the GOP penchant to play the politics of voter fraud. To hold on to the White House, right-wing Republicans can’t afford to quit using the right-wing echo chamber including FBI, U.S. attorneys, and Fox News to harass advocacy groups such as ACORN for signing up new voters. To be sure, ACORN was not stopped in its tracks. As Matt Henderson, one of ACORN’s organizers, told me, “We will never be intimidated by baseless legal attacks.” In 2008, to the distress of the Republicans, ACORN mounted its current voter-registration drive. Along with Project Vote, ACORN undertook an aggressive voter-registration campaign in 16 states including Ohio, Florida, Michigan, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania to help close the historic gaps in the American electorate that have misrepresented the true demographic breakdown of the American population.Historically, the average voter has been older and wealthier than the average American. With registration and voting rates of low-income Americans, African-Americans, Latinos, and youths significantly lagging behind other demographics, the new voters that Project Vote and ACORN helped register came primarily from these historically disenfranchised groups. It is sad that more than 40 years after passage of the voting rights act, the efforts by the Bush White House and the right-wing Republicans continue to intimidate minority voters. It reminds us that the agenda of the civil-rights movement remains unfinished. The outcome of the 2008 presidential race may well hinge on whether the right-wing strategy or the ACORN strategy prevails.
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#366695 - 10/12/08 08:16 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
State Officials Probe Fake Voter Registration FormsSUSQUEHANNA VALLEY, Pa. - Pennsylvania now joins several states where elections offices have received bogus registration applications. A Susquehanna Valley man is under arrest on charges of submitting fake voter registration applications to Dauphin County. Luis Torres-Serrano was picked up in York County last week. He is charged with forgery and identity theft. Authorities said there are at least 19 cases where he randomly picked names out of the phone book and registered them. Torres-Serrano worked for the local chapter of ACORN, a community organizing group that has been involved in getting people to register, mainly as Democrats. ACORN is the target of voter fraud accusations brought by the Pennsylvania Republican Party Friday morning. ACORN submitted thousands of voter registration applications in Philadelphia County that were rejected because they included fake Social Security numbers, addresses or signatures.State GOP officials said ACORN is stealing voters' identities and using fake information to register. However, there is no evidence the election board approved any of the fake applications. "They flag some of them. How many get through? The election boards are so overworked. They're tired. They have to read these applications, they have to read through them, they have to look at them, your eyes get blurry," said Robert Gleason, Pennsylvania GOP chairman. GOP officials said the integrity of the process is being jeopardized when thousands of registration applications are being rejected. ACORN's Pennyslvania chapter sent out this response: "This attack on us is politically motivated." ACORN defends its own verification process and has said it cooperated in the investigation to arrest Torres-Serrano. MSNBC + + + "This attack on us is politically motivated."---Marion Barry, Tom DeLay, William Jefferson, Duke Cunningham, Bertha Lewis...
#366696 - 10/12/08 08:29 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Even liberals like Nick Anderson are taking notice:
355118-ACORN.gif (2 downloads)
#366697 - 10/12/08 08:43 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
Could be a wash: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/09/us/politics/09voting.html"States’ Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal"Tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law, according to a review of state records *** The actions do not seem to be coordinated by one party or the other, nor do they appear to be the result of election officials intentionally breaking rules, but are apparently the result of mistakes in the handling of the registrations and voter files as the states tried to comply with a 2002 federal law, intended to overhaul the way elections are run. Still, because Democrats have been more aggressive at registering new voters this year, according to state election officials, any heightened screening of new applications may affect their party’s supporters disproportionately. The screening or trimming of voter registration lists in the six states — Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Nevada and North Carolina — could also result in problems at the polls on Election Day: people who have been removed from the rolls are likely to show up only to be challenged by political party officials or election workers, resulting in confusion, long lines and heated tempers."
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#366698 - 10/12/08 08:47 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
"Legendary Conservative Paul Weyrich" "Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome - good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." http://www.bradblog.com/?p=6375
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#366699 - 10/12/08 08:52 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_suppression"Examples of voter suppression 2002 New Hampshire Senate election phone jamming scandal In the 2002 New Hampshire Senate election phone jamming scandal, Republican officials attempted to reduce the number of Democratic voters by paying professional telemarketers in Idaho to make repeated hang-up calls to block Democrats' ride-to-the-polls phone lines on election day. United States Senate election in Virginia, 2006 During the United States Senate election in Virginia, 2006, Secretary of the Virginia State Board of Elections Jean Jensen concluded that the incidents of voter suppression appeared widespread and deliberate. Documented incidents of voter suppression include: * Democratic voters receiving calls incorrectly informing them voting will lead to arrest. * Widespread calls fraudulently claiming to be "Webb Volunteers," falsely telling voters their voting location had changed. * Fliers paid for by the Republican Party , stating "SKIP THIS ELECTION" caused was allegedly an attempt to suppress African-American turnout. The FBI has since launched an investigation into the suppression attempts. 2004 presidential election In the U.S. presidential election of 2004, some voters got phone calls with false information intended to keep them from voting--saying that their voting place had been changed or that voting would take place on Wednesday as well as on Tuesday. Other allegations surfaced in several states that the group called Voters Outreach of America had collected and submitted Republican voter registration forms while inappropriately disposing of Democratic registration forms. Michigan Republican state legislator John Pappageorge, was quoted as saying, "If we do not suppress the Detroit vote, we're going to have a tough time in this election."
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#366700 - 10/12/08 08:54 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Could be a wash
I don't think so. I do find it amusing that you cry foul at attempts to prevent voter fraud, but think raising the issue of ACORN's widespread fraud is a "distraction."
I also find it amusing that you can cry foul when Republicans do it, but allege that it's a "politically motivated charge" when Obama's caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
#366701 - 10/12/08 09:02 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
Election fraud dwarves voter fraud as a threat to democracy. http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/editorials/articles/2007/12/13/voter_fraud_fraud/"These fraud alarm bells - even if they are false alarms - distract Americans from real problems in the democratic process, from electronic voting machines that leave no paper trail to campaign tactics that confuse or intimidate voters. Also, supposed fraud is often used to build support for stiffer voter requirements, such as government-issued IDs, which would almost surely drive down participation among poorer, older, and less-educated voters. "The voter fraud phantom drives policy that disenfranchises legitimate voters without a corresponding benefit," the Brennan Center's report concludes. * * * In fact, voter fraud is a remarkably inefficient way to steal an election. So many individual acts need to be coordinated - each with its own risk of discovery - that the cost is greater than the likely benefit. And yet lurid tales of massive fraud continue. It's enough to make a citizen wonder if what's really going on is an attempt at voter suppression." (note the obvious * * * to indicate snipping as opposed to the trailing...)
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#366702 - 10/12/08 09:09 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Come off it, Gunker. What this amounts to is a declaration that the rules that apply to everybody else don't apply to Obama. BTW, if you run into Tony Romo or Terrell Owens at the polls, tell 'em I said "'sup?" Thanks.
#366705 - 10/13/08 06:13 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
Yeah, like liberals are able to see different points of view or something. Jesus fucking christ, I've met southern baptists with more open minds.
#366706 - 10/13/08 10:34 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
Everyone is out to destroy Palin - but it's Obama's past we should examine With all eyes glued to the collapse of global capitalism as we know it, attention has been somewhat distracted from the race to lead what still remains the most powerful nation on earth - the United States. We ignore it at our peril. From the shockingly partisan presentation by the pro-Obama media on both sides of the Atlantic, you'd think this was a contest between twin pillars of rectitude and inspirational high seriousness on the Democratic side, and a joke Republican ticket consisting of an erratic old man and a brainless, wacko, gun-toting beauty queen, who in a fit of madness John McCain picked as his vice-presidential candidate. Unfortunately for the Democrats, the beauty queen in question, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, has struck an enormous chord with Middle America. As a result, Barack Obama's media supporters are making a huge effort to destroy her. Inquiry Now the Left thinks it has shot its moose. It has been crowing that an inquiry by Alaska's legislature has found Palin abused her office by firing Alaska's Commissioner of Public Safety for refusing to fire in turn Palin's former brother-in-law, Trooper Michael Wooten. This really is a case of half-baked Alaska. First, the inquiry's conclusions were ambiguous. It found that Palin had violated public trust through using official action for personal interest; but it also said the firing was a proper and lawful exercise of her authority, and that personal interest had only been a contributory factor in the Commissioner's firing. And just what was that personal interest? Palin wanted a state Trooper fired because he had assaulted his 11-year-old stepson with a stun gun, been caught drinking alcohol in his patrol car, and the Palins say was threatening to kill a member of their family. Certainly, there was a conflict of interest because Wooten was the Governor's sister's ex-husband. But shouldn't the real question be why such a man was not fired? What is really astounding, however, is the hue and cry over this non-event in Alaska while a raft of disturbing evidence about Senator Obama's connections is being either glossed over or not reported at all. This may come as a shock to most people, but Obama is at the centre of a network of radical associations which he has tried to conceal. Take for example his relationship with William Ayers, founder of the terrorist Weather Underground which bombed federal buildings in the 1960s and who has consistently maintained his radical views ever since. Obama's own political career was actually launched in Ayers's Chicago house at a fundraising-event in 1995 which fired the starting gun for his run at the Illinois Senate. Not only that, Obama and Ayers both sat on the boards of two organisations, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and the Woods Fund. These organisations put into practice Ayers's revolutionary ideology by channelling money supposed to fund regular educational projects into extreme radical groups instead. Obama now says he didn't know of Ayers's terrorist past and never endorsed his views, simply working with him on an educational project. But it defies belief he didn't know about Ayers, who was notorious in Chicago. In 2001, indeed, Ayers told a magazine: 'I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough.' The crucial point was that this educational project was itself a vehicle for subversion; in the view of Ayers, its driving force, education was 'the motor-force of revolution'. Moreover, Obama wrote a rave review about Ayers' book on criminal justice, which compared America to South Africa under apartheid. Scandal Through the Woods Fund, Obama also funnelled millions of dollars to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Described by an academic sympathiser as 'a uniquely militant organisation', ACORN played a significant role in the sub-prime scandal - which detonated America's financial crisis - by physically intimidating banks into lowering credit standards for poor and minority customers. The Obama campaign has paid an ACORN subsidiary $800,000 to register new voters. But now, numerous states are launching investigations into massive voter fraud being carried out by ACORN activists who are being caught falsifying voter registration cards, registering fictitious individuals and hounding voters to register multiple times. But Obama's connections with ACORN go even deeper. Even though his campaign has denied this, for several years running he trained its activists and in 1992 even ran one of its voter registration projects. Such radical links fit with other highly dubious associations Obama has made. We all know that, under pressure, he distanced himself from his longstanding mentor Pastor Wright, who infamously coined the phrase 'God damn America!' But Obama never distanced himself from the anti-white teachings of his church, which was heavily influenced by the philosophy of the black racist James Cone who claimed that 'whiteness is the symbol of the antichrist'. And after the controversy over Wright, Obama has become close to another preacher, Jim Wallis, who spews out the same anti-American message - once calling the U.S. 'the great power, the great seducer, the great captor and destroyer of human life'. That's not all. ACORN is heavily involved with a Marxist group called the Chicago New Party, whose strategy is to force the Democratic Party to the far Left by infiltrating it and ' burrowing from within'. In 1996, the New Party exulted that one of its members who had just been successful in the political primary season was - Barack Obama. Guilt Whenever any of this surfaces, the Left tries to suppress it by screaming 'guilt by association'. Not so. This is guilt by participation. The left cries 'smear' and 'racism'. On the contrary - if Obama wasn't a black Democrat, with this history his candidacy would have been toast before it got started. Just consider if the boot had been on the other foot and McCain's political career had been launched by an abortion clinic bomber; his mentor for 20 years had been a Ku Klux Klansman, and he had paid nearly a million dollars to far-Right militias who strong-armed voters into fraudulent registrations. Of course, there is no suggestion that Obama supports terrorism or intimidation. But the question is whether through expediency or ideological sympathy or a combination of the two, he has allowed himself to be associated with thinking that threatens the basic values of America and Western society. This may sound too incredible for words. But what's really incredible is that, with dozens of reporters feverishly combing Alaska for any evidence to tarnish Sarah Palin, the mainstream media has largely refused to investigate any of this. What's really incredible is that a man with such a background in anti-Western thinking can now stand on the verge of becoming the leader of the free world. Please don't get me wrong. I am not a particular fan of John McCain. I think he is indeed erratic, and has run a lousy campaign. And the exhausted Republicans deserve to lose. But the prospect of Obama in the White House as America's first far-Left radical president is deeply worrying. It would be a crowning triumph for the anti-Western ideology which has wrought such havoc on both sides of the Atlantic. The reason Sarah Palin has struck such a chord is that Middle America sees her as the first candidate in its lifetime who stands against that destructive nihilism. That's why she is the key target for Western radicals who are now poised to gain the biggest prize of all. Mail Online-Melanie Phillips
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#366707 - 10/13/08 01:08 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
355240-applause.gif (3 downloads)
#366708 - 10/13/08 07:23 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Icon
Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town
hey jim...what do you think about all these conservative columnists and politicians coming out against McCain08? P.S. - HAHAHA
#366709 - 10/14/08 05:11 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
#366710 - 10/14/08 06:43 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
ACORN in Ohio. Gigi, I hope you're doing something about this.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#366711 - 10/14/08 01:15 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
^^^ At least send some letters to the editor and the TV stations. Put that "infinity" of stamps you have to work.  Quote:
Teenager Freddie Johnson said he was offered smokes and dollar bills to fill out voter registration cards.
And now the Cuyahoga County Elections Board has 73 cards with Johnson's name on them.
How many "distractions" does this make?
#366712 - 10/14/08 02:03 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 05/18/06
Posts: 3555
i will offer sex to any ohion who will vote for mccain?
kidding... i've given up on this election entirely.
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way."
#366714 - 10/14/08 04:16 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
She said she'd offer sex, but she didn't say it would be with her.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#366715 - 10/14/08 07:31 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Icon
Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town
um you guys do understand this whole "Acorn Scandal" is just lazy people trying to get paid for registering fake names right? Less focus on Acorn and maybe more focus on Republican GOTV would probably be a good idea and may even make the defeat not quite as stunning as it surely will be.
#366716 - 10/15/08 04:32 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
um you guys do understand this whole "Acorn Scandal" is about people being paid $800,000 by the Obama Campaign for registering fake names right?
I hope the media doesn't focus on Acorn or Obama's defeat will surely be stunning.
#366717 - 10/15/08 05:06 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 04/21/07
Posts: 398
i will offer sex to any ohion who will vote for mccain?
kidding... i've given up on this election entirely.
Not so fast with the ACRON stuff and now Jesse Jackson saying once Obama is the HNIC the Zionists will no longer be in charge of American foreign policy, could put The Old Man and the MILF back into the fight.
#366718 - 10/15/08 05:19 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.
Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.
You hear something? I could be wrong, but it sounded like Florida shifting back to Red.
What of Obama's promise to withdraw by 2010? Jackson believes that position will have to evolve, reflecting "realities on the ground."
#366719 - 10/15/08 06:45 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
I thought ministers didn't believe in evolution.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#366721 - 10/15/08 02:10 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Gag Factor Guru
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/05
Posts: 5290
Loc: Dayton
i will offer sex to any ohion who will vote for mccain?
kidding... i've given up on this election entirely.
Not all us Democrats are like Bill Clinton. Besides, I've been fucked by Republicans for the last 8 years. No deal.
You are right to give up, we will take the White House, a huge majority in the House, possibly a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, and lots of state offices. The Reagan revolution is over, the Republicans are desperate to re-invent themselves, and McCain/Palin ain't the answer anyone is looking for.
-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
#366722 - 10/15/08 02:33 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Not all us Democrats are so besotted as to take voter fraud and other failings so lightly, either.
#366724 - 10/15/08 11:16 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#366725 - 10/16/08 12:22 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 05/18/06
Posts: 3555
Not all us Democrats are so besotted as to take voter fraud and other failings so lightly, either.
You are right to give up, we will take the White House, a huge majority in the House, possibly a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, and lots of state offices. The Reagan revolution is over, the Republicans are desperate to re-invent themselves, and McCain/Palin ain't the answer anyone is looking for.
i guess i'll find solace knowing that charin will at least use my household's soon-to-be redistributed "wealth" for a good cause, like purchasing gag factors 29 through infinity. yep, i'm feeling slightly more patriotic now!
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way."
#366726 - 10/16/08 01:45 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Gag Factor Guru
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/05
Posts: 5290
Loc: Dayton
Gag Factor is good, red-blooded, American entertainment, made in America by Americans. If people would spend more time watching Gag Factor, instead of watching American Idol or driving SUVs, this would be a much better country. I intentionally spent most of the $300 Bush "stimulus" check on American porn, instead of servicing debt or buying cheap Chinese junk from Wal-Mart. Nice to hear your household makes over $250,000.00 / yr., congratulations, you are rich. Unless you are faking it, like Joe the Plumber.
-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
#366727 - 10/16/08 03:40 PM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Repor
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 05/18/06
Posts: 3555
thanks for the sig
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way."
#366729 - 10/26/08 02:13 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
including Obama Ohio spokeswoman Olivia Alair
#366730 - 10/26/08 02:20 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 07/28/07
Posts: 194
Could somebody tell me how this was done. Wait till the end, it's not what it seems. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07kO9TtHYzQ
“My money is on the way.” -- Jim B
“I'll be sending my check out first thing tomorrow.”-- Safado
“How much money has come in till now from the fanbase?”-- Freestylah
#366731 - 10/26/08 02:29 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Could somebody tell me how this was done.
I'd like to know how a senior Obama Campaign Worker's Fraudulent Registration was done.
Can you tell me how that was done?
'Cause a Senior Campaign Official not knowing she had to vote by absentee ballot from her home state...
#366732 - 10/26/08 02:35 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Porn Jesus
Registered: 11/27/07
Posts: 4795
ClickThis video proves that all kids are racist fuckers.
#366733 - 10/26/08 07:42 AM
Re: 3,000 Fraudulent Contributions To Obama: Report
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer
Registered: 08/04/06
Posts: 1155
Loc: U.S. Outpost 31
No,it just proves that all black kids are racist.
I know you gentlemen have been through a lot,and when you find the time...I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter tied to this fucking couch!
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