No this is not my ad - just relaying a link that's got blogs buzzing and appears to be serious. I guess these ads were inevitable, eh? Ad mentions nothing about the requirement for the model to be into necrophilia for a McCain scene though (just use your imagination - hint: he grabs his chest). I guess whoever posted this ad didn't get the memo that Hustler will likely have their "Nailin' Pailin" spoof starring Lisa Ann out before they even finish casting.
"Looking for a Sarah Palin lookalike for an adult film to be shot in next 10 days.
Major adult studio.
Please send pix, stats etc. ASAP
Pay: $2000-3000
No anal required
* Location: LA
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: $2000-3000
Here's another ad from New York craiglist: