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#362309 - 09/24/08 01:57 PM
McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
To return to DC to deal with the economic crisis. If Obama doesn't do the same it's proof he is more interested in self than country. Gonna be hard for the dems to spin away from this one.
Wed Sept 24 2008 14:58:02 ET
MCCAIN: America this week faces an historic crisis in our financial system. We must pass legislation to address this crisis. If we do not, credit will dry up, with devastating consequences for our economy. People will no longer be able to buy homes and their life savings will be at stake. Businesses will not have enough money to pay their employees. If we do not act, ever corner of our country will be impacted. We cannot allow this to happen.
Last Friday, I laid out my proposal and I have since discussed my priorities and concerns with the bill the Administration has put forward. Senator Obama has expressed his priorities and concerns.This morning, I met with a group of economic advisers to talk about the proposal on the table and the steps that we should take going forward.I have also spoken with members of Congress to hear their perspective.
It has become clear that no consensus has developed to support the Administration' proposal. I do not believe that the plan on the table will pass as it currently stands, and we are running out of time.
Tomorrow morning, I will suspend my campaign and return to Washington after speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative. I have spoken to Senator Obama and informed him of my decision and have asked him to join me.
I am calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself. It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem.
We must meet as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved.I am directing my campaign to work with the Obama campaign and the commission on presidential debates to delay Friday night's debate until we have taken action to address this crisis.
I am confident that before the markets open on Monday we can achieve consensus on legislation that will stabilize our financial markets, protect taxpayers and homeowners, and earn the confidence of the American people. All we must do to achieve this is temporarily set politics aside, and I am committed to doing so.
Following September 11th, our national leaders came together at a time of crisis. We must show that kind of patriotism now. Americans across our country lament the fact that partisan divisions in Washington have prevented us from addressing our national challenges. Now is our chance to come together to prove that Washington is once again capable of leading this country.
#362311 - 09/24/08 02:08 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
I am calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself. It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem.
#362312 - 09/24/08 02:12 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild
Continuing his campaign by suspending his campaign - well played!
You're all still alive?
#362313 - 09/24/08 02:16 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 05/18/06
Posts: 3555
this is from gawker: Quote:
Obama called McCain to suggest this at 8:30 this morning. NBC: "McCain called back six hours later and agreed to the idea of the statement, the Obama campaign said. McCain's statement was issued to the media a few minutes later."
haha, i just totally pissed myself laughing
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way."
#362314 - 09/24/08 02:22 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
They're probably full of shit Gigi...but even if telling the truth they are stupid and have no game.
Meanwhile Obama is insisting on politics as usual...running his ads and prepping for fridays debate.
#362315 - 09/24/08 02:28 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
They're probably full of shit Gigi...but even if telling the truth they are stupid and have no game.
Meanwhile Obama is insisting on politics as usual...running his ads and prepping for fridays debate.
This is one of those ideas where whichever side came up with it first is going to announce it before the other guy can do the same. If the other guy then tries to say he had it first, he looks, well...
#362318 - 09/24/08 02:37 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Continuing his campaign by suspending his campaign - well played!
The noted Taoist scholar Mahmoud Cocksnot, were he here, would tell you that this is a perfect example of the principle of Wu Wei, which translates as "without action."
Meh, who am I kidding? Cocksnot's never understood the Tao Te Ching any more than he's understood Wilson or any other of the authors he's claimed to have read. Sorry. [/derail]
#362321 - 09/24/08 02:52 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Is the times any more reputable than Gawker?
It really doesn't matter if they are telling the truth. Trying to claim credit for the idea after it's already out there smacks of whining, and McCain look more like a statesman by comparison (regardless of whether or not it's deserved.)
If Obama's brain trust actually came up with this, and somehow got beaten to the announcement, they should have just ate the 15 yards and "joined Senator McCain in the best interests of our Country." They would have diffused much of McCain's thunder. Axelrod totally fumbled this one.
#362322 - 09/24/08 03:00 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Fair enough. Guess which left-wing rag printed this:
It's still the Obama camp making the claim:
"At 8:30 this morning, Sen. Obama called Sen. McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said...
Same with the AP/New York Post article:
The Obama campaign said the Democrat initiated the talks...
Again, even if it's true, they do themselves more damage by coming across as whiners. I'm surprised they haven't called it "Rovian Swiftboat Tactics."
#362323 - 09/24/08 03:01 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild
agree completely - plays into image of Obama as not being willing to play hardball politics.
You're all still alive?
#362324 - 09/24/08 03:11 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
I'm not so sure it's as much "willing" to play Hardball as "able" to play. I think Obama demonstrated a willingness when he made the lipstick crack, but balked when he got called on it. He would have gained a lot of respect if he'd said "Hell Yeah I said it." Instead, he reverted to the old "Barack who cried Rove" mode.
This is exactly why I voted for the Bull Dyke in the primary.
#362326 - 09/24/08 05:13 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Ivor, I'm not a Republican either. But if it's such a "cheap and transparent political stunt," why is Obama falling all over himself trying to take credit for it?
#362327 - 09/24/08 06:52 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Icon
Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town
a president is going to have to be able to focus on more than one thing at a time. If they need to change the subject of the debate to the economy than fine. McCain is just panicking because he is polling so poorly. It is a political stunt. The Debate is going to be comedy gold as old man McSame stammers thru it. I mean granted he does have some experience with tax payer bailouts as he was a player in the Keating 5 scandal so i can see why he may feel his input is so neccessary. and oh jim...a preemptive HAHAHA  to you big guy
#362329 - 09/24/08 07:19 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
It is a political stunt.
Then why was Obama falling all over himself trying to take credit for it? Answer me that.
Or is it only a political stunt now that nobody's buying Axelrod's damage control?
You can't have it both ways. Unless you mean to say that Obama was for the proposal before he was against it. Is that it?
#362330 - 09/24/08 08:07 PM
Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 07/14/06
Posts: 775
Loc: Hollywood, CA
Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
Aide says Republican won’t show up without deal to address credit crisis
McCain suspends campaign to help with crisis
Sept. 24: Sen. John McCain announces he is suspending his presidential campaign and returning to Washington to work on finance reform and asks Sen. Barack Obama to reschedule the first presidential debate.
Video: Decision '08
Bush warns of a 'long and painful recession’
Sep. 24: President Bush called for 'immediate action by Congress' to stave off a deeper economic crisis saying 'major sectors of America's financial sectors are at risk of shutting down.'
McCain suspends campaign to help with crisis
Obama: People need to hear views on crisis
Campaigns collide over financial crisis
Brain Trusts
See who is in the inner circles of the campaigns of Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama.
Barack Obama
The Democratic presidential candidate in photos, from childhood to party leader.
Democratic Sen. Barack Obama rejected Republican Sen. John McCain’s dramatic call Wednesday to delay Friday’s presidential debate because of the economic crisis. The McCain campaign said McCain would not show up for the debate unless a deal to address the crisis was reached.
The Commission on Presidential Debates and the University of Mississippi, the scheduled host of Friday night’s first debate, said the debate would go forward. They did not say what they would do if McCain failed to show up in Oxford, Miss.
Speaking to reporters in Clearwater, Fla., Obama said he and McCain agreed on the need to issue a joint statement of support for legislation to rescue the banking industry. But he declined McCain’s call to postpone the debate.
Story continues below ↓advertisement
“This is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsible for dealing with this mess,” Obama told reporters in Clearwater, Fla.
“In my mind, it’s more important than ever that we present ourselves to the American people and describe where we want to take the country and where we want to take the economy,” he said.
A senior adviser to McCain told NBC News that Obama’s insistence on going ahead had not changed McCain’s position. The aide said McCain would stay in Washington and skip the debate unless a financial agreement was in place by Friday.
Speaking to reporters in New York, McCain said he would suspend his campaign to work on banking legislation, saying President Bush’s proposed $700 billion bailout appeared unlikely to pass.
Obama stopped short of following his model, saying he had told congressional leaders that he was willing to help out, but only if they thought it would be useful.
As for the debate, he said, “It’s going to be part of the president’s job to be able to deal with more than one thing at once.”
Obama camp sees political ploy
Obama said he and McCain discussed the economy in two telephone calls earlier Wednesday. Obama said it was he who proposed issuing a joint statement on the bailout plan.
Late Wednesday, the candidates issued a joint statement.
"This is a time to rise above politics for the good of the country," their statement says. "We cannot risk an economic catastrophe. Now is our chance to come together to prove that Washington is once again capable of leading this country."
Obama: I’ll be there
Sept. 24: Sen. Barack Obama said the credit crisis made the first debate Friday more important than ever.
Obama indicated that McCain’s statement seeking to delay the debate came as a surprise, saying McCain had told him in their second call only that he was thinking about the idea.
“I guess he was further along than I thought,” Obama said.
Aides to Obama characterized McCain’s proposal as a ploy to distract attention from his standing in the polls, which has fallen sharply in the last few days as Americans focus on the economic crisis on Wall Street.
A senior aide to Obama said McCain would have been better advised to have made his proposal several days ago. The aide said the only thing that had changed was McCain’s poll numbers.
The Presidential Debates
Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
NYT: McCain's scrappy debate record
NYT: Obama carries uneven record to debate
NYT: Pact on debates will let candidates spar
Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and a close adviser to Obama, called the idea “the longest Hail Mary pass in the history of either football or Marys.” He said in an interview on MSNBC that negotiators were close to reaching a tentative agreement on the bailout and said Obama’s and McCain’s help was not needed.
But Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, welcomed MCCain’s offer.
“This is the John McCain I know,” Hatch said in an interview on MSNBC’s “Hardball.” “He is willing to risk [the] election to do what’s right for the country.”
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., meanwhile, said McCain’s and Obama’s presence during congressional negotiations over a rescue package would “not be helpful at this time,” saying they would be a distraction.
“We need leadership, not a campaign photo op,” Reid said. “If there were ever a time for both candidates to hold a debate before the American people about this serious challenge, it is now.”
Click for related content
Vote: Should Friday's debate be postponed?
Poll: 18 percent of voters undecided
First Read: A split on the bailout
NYT: McCain aide’s firm was paid by Freddie Mac
White House press secretary Dana Perino, however, said the Bush administration welcomed McCain’s announcement, adding, “Bipartisan support from Senators McCain and Obama would be helpful in driving to a conclusion.”
McCain to suspend campaign
McCain said he would suspend his campaign after he addressed former President Bill Clinton’s Global Initiative gathering Thursday. A
dvisers said they were also reaching out to the Obama campaign to discuss pulling political television advertisements from airing.
Aides denied that the proposal was a political move. They said McCain hoped to create a “political free zone” until a deal to rescue the the financial industry could be reached.
Mark Salter, a senior adviser, held out the possibility that McCain could yet take part in Friday’s debate if congressional negotiators worked out a bank agreement by Friday morning. But he said McCain had been convinced in conversations Tuesday and Wednesday with colleagues on Capitol Hill that passage was next to impossible.
In his statement, McCain said it had become clear that “no consensus has developed to support the administration’s proposal.” He called on Bush to convene a leadership meeting in Washington that would include him and Obama.
McCain said that if Congress did not pass legislation to address the crisis, credit would dry up, people would no longer be able to buy homes, life savings would be at stake and businesses would not have enough money
“If we do not act, every corner of our country will be impacted,” McCain said. “We cannot allow this to happen.”
By Alex Johnson of msnbc.com with David Gregory, Andrea Mitchell, Kelly O’Donnell, Chuck Todd and Mike Viqueira of N
#362331 - 09/24/08 09:45 PM
Re: Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
So since nobody's buying Obama's "It was my idea first" whine, he throws a tantrum, takes his ball and goes home.
Dave Axelrod better buy himself a cast iron cup before Michelle finds him.
#362332 - 09/24/08 10:06 PM
Re: Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 01/12/05
Posts: 1342
Didn't Obama just want to issue a joint statement on their "principles" of bipartisanship, but McCain bested him by not only releasing an independent statement but also "suspending" his campaign? I don't recall reading anything about Obama wanting to suspend his campaign. If I'm wrong, please let me know.
Anyway, even if (and that's a big 'if') Obama was thinking along those lines first, he's probably thanking his lucky stars right about now that McCain beat him to the punch, since this ploy (which it most certainly is. country first? nigga please.) is flying like a bird with one wing.
"Bornyo sleeps under a bearskin that he killed and skinned when he was 5. He just stared the thing dead with mind bullets." - Floofin
#362333 - 09/24/08 10:35 PM
Re: Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 01/12/05
Posts: 1342
Oh, and I'd bet on Ryan Knox getting and maintaining wood before I'd bet on McCain bailing on the debate. Doesn't matter if the bailout legislation is still being hammered out, he'll be there. If he skips it, costing UofM 5 million buckeroos in the process, the only chance he's gonna have of reaching the Oval Office is on a senior citizen public tour. And he and his advisers know this.
It should be an interesting evening.
"Bornyo sleeps under a bearskin that he killed and skinned when he was 5. He just stared the thing dead with mind bullets." - Floofin
#362334 - 09/25/08 04:15 AM
Re: Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 04/12/07
Posts: 367
Loc: WI
this seems like a stunt of smoke and mirrors to me......we will see in a few days if it works.....
yeah the senate two Senators who are totally in party political mode to go to Washington D.C bringing even more reporters to drive through this bill.......I am not buying it...it is a cool idea and certainly puts the focus back on McCain as his numbers start slipping again.....
It was certainly well played by the McCain camp but I am not convinced that McCain actually did it for his country (all reports indicate he hasn't changed his schedule for today) nor am I convinced Obama is being self serving by continuing.....
It may be a political way for both to throw in the towel cause at this juncture neither wants the country with this mess.....neither of them is the FDR to lead us through
" I have a like a 5 second rule for cum-- if it's been ejaculated from the penis and laying around somewhere for more than 5 seconds, I'm not touching it. I like my cum hot and fresh.
" ......Holly Randall
#362335 - 09/25/08 06:23 AM
Re: Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
Considering that the original barrel of monkeys that nothing is funner than, Congress, was a big part of causing this whole mess I'm not sure whether it would be better for them to all get together and try to fix this or to just stay the hell away from each other before they make it worse.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#362336 - 09/25/08 06:59 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Registered: 09/06/03
Posts: 2042
Loc: Ceara's bunny cage
If Obama doesn't do the same it's proof he is more interested in self than country. Gonna be hard for the dems to spin away from this one.
I gotta agree with you there, B.
I think it would be difficult to continue the campaign without knowing what is happening with the economy. Especially since all the questions would be based on this its a bit pointless continuing if you have no answers I think this is a smart move by McCain
#362337 - 09/25/08 08:23 AM
Re: Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
even if (and that's a big 'if') Obama was thinking along those lines first, he's probably thanking his lucky stars right about now that McCain beat him to the punch, since this ploy (which it most certainly is. country first? nigga please.) is flying like a bird with one wing.
Hmmmmm... maybe not:
Lawmakers Seem Near Deal on Bailout
WASHINGTON — Lawmakers indicated Thursday that they were close to hashing out an agreement on a proposed $700 billion bailout of the financial system, hours before a high-stakes meeting at the White House to finalize the deal.
After Congressional staff members worked through the night to hammer out the details of the remarkable rescue effort, Senate and House negotiators gathered for a meeting in the Capitol on Thursday morning, hoping to resolve any final disagreements ahead of the White House gathering.
The Democrats had all but eliminated their differences, and both sides were hoping for a bipartisan consensus to emerge at midday, with the final imprimatur to come at the late afternoon meeting with President Bush, the Congressional leadership and the two presidential candidates.
On Wall Street, shares, which had opened higher, rose sharply on expectations of a rescue plan...
Democrats were hoping to reach a final agreement on the framework of a bill ahead of that meeting, partly to deny any credit to Mr. McCain who took the bold step on Wednesday of suspending his campaign and announcing that he would return to Washington to help secure a deal.
New York Times
+ + +
If this gets hammered out today, McCain could still make the debate on Friday, and in a much stronger position than he was 48 hours ago.
Even if he doesn't, the ultimate question is how this plays to the undecided. My guess is they'll think "At least one of these assholes if finally doing something." Judging by the reaction in Congress, it seems that Obama's camp has come to the same conclusion.
#362338 - 09/25/08 09:13 AM
Re: Obama rejects McCain call to delay debate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
Which "Directorate of the People" do I have to contact in order to purchase a part of the nationalized conglomerates? Me and my crooked partners are very interested in buying at the right price...
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.
#362340 - 09/25/08 03:56 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
McCain believes that he is fucked if he debates Obama tomorrow night in this economic, and wants to avoid that debate at all costs. He has absolutely not suspended his campaign, to the contrary, he has been hunkered down with Judas Iscariot Lieberman and Congressional GOPers trying to figure out a way to save the GOP from Bush, Paulson, and Bernanke's plan.
#362342 - 09/25/08 05:57 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Judas Iscariot Lieberman
So abiding by one's conscience instead of Dogma now makes one a Judas?
Sorry, but that doesn't sound like the Democratic party I joined 20 years ago. I don't recall it being quite so Stalinist.
to the contrary, he has been hunkered down with Judas Iscariot Lieberman and Congressional GOPers trying to figure out a way to save the GOP from Bush, Paulson, and Bernanke's plan.
Funny. I seem to have read that McCain met with the leaders of both parties, along with Bush and, much to his credit, Obama, trying to get the deal passed.
I also seem to have read that there were many Democratic ideas were adopted in the draft worked out this afternoon, coming from people like Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer and Barney Frank, which "include limits on the pay packages for executives of some firms that seek assistance and a mechanism for the government to take an equity stake in some of the firms, so taxpayers have a chance to profit if the bailout plan works."
Are you telling me that Dodd, Schumer and Frank are also working to "save the GOP from Bush's plan?"
#362344 - 09/25/08 06:25 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Which is what I'd expect a Democratic leader to say in the middle of the election.
The fact remains, however, that both candidates and the leadership of both parties have been working to put together some kind of plan, a few extremists notwithstanding. I'd say that's some kind of progress, especially considering how Congress used to behave:
350043-800px-Lyon-griswold-brawl.jpg (3 downloads)
#362345 - 09/25/08 09:38 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
.....and a mechanism for the government to take an equity stake in some of the firms, so taxpayers have a chance to profit if the bailout plan works.
Oh shit! It doesn't take a genius to figure out what that really means.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#362346 - 09/26/08 12:07 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750
This country deserves the fucking maelstrom we are now entering....fucking DESERVES it in spades. GOOD, says Da Burg. For the next 10 years let the FAT, LAZY, entitled, IGNORANT, clueless denizens of the USA settle for eating salads and water, and forego their Ice Cream and PASTA and all the shit we stuff our faces with.
And so help me, I want to fucking hunt down every CEO of every failed bank and investment house and fund that tanked, the pricks who are responsible for all this, the ones who are now hiding with their 50 million bucks in severances, and line them up in their underwear and colored socks on TV and have a Lesbian Bukkake all over the bastards.
WOW....these guys WRECK the economy and walk away filthy rich. Things are so fucked up I cant stand it.
The GREED...the selfish, "fuck everyone else" GREED .... these ugly overweight arrogant investment managers, with their empty souls, with MBAs from places I once puked and pissed in and on.....jamming the throttle on the investment machine, trying to MAXIMIZE things NOW so they can get paid obscene amounts NOW, so they can afford $10,000 per hour WHORES NOW....
That's what this is all about.....these wall street idiots, and executives at places like WA MU, they want to have super-model caliber whores.....so in order to afford that, they pull this bullshit.
This is why Burglar has a glass ceiling for just what he will pay for prime grade AA pussy....I dont care who the chick is, even that freak Giselle Bundchen....no woman deserves MORE than $10,000 per 24 hours to simply be a whore and allow her holes to be used for jacking off rich, unattractive men. No more than $10,000 per calendar day to be a trophy or to play nude scrabble, or cuddle on a hammock looking up at Aurora Borealis.
That's the problem: friggin' overpriced whores and their exorbitant bullshit prices.
How is it I can find hott chicks for an evening and never have to pay more than 2500-3000?? This allows me to make rational, solid investment choices and financial decisions. I dont need to take ridiculous bullshit risks in order to make sure that next month, I can blow a huge load of splooge into a lazy, morally bankrupt, hott chick.
You've all been Doomed because of idiots like Elliot Spitzer who are willing to pay these overpriced, "Status whores" such exorbitant rates. tsk tsk
The next time you are confronted by a gorgeous whore who demands $10,000 per hour (or anything above 2k per hour), just tell her NO. Offer her 1500 and to shoot your load on the rug....if she gets pissy, tell her "FIne, go find a Saudi prince to rub his 3 day beard against your inner thighs and to fly you around the world to a place where it is 113 degrees in the shade, from which you will wonder the whole time if you will ever return home...."
Are you gonna eat that?
#362347 - 09/26/08 12:22 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 05/06/05
Posts: 1946
Loc: Outer Space
I've heard it suggested that by pushing the debate between McCain and Obama back, it will be rescheduled and take the slot meant for the VP debate-- therefore keeping that idiot Palin out of the ring with Biden. I heard an interview with her today and God do I despise that woman already!
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.
#362348 - 09/26/08 12:52 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750
#362349 - 09/26/08 01:06 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
holly Quote:
that idiot Palin....God do I despise that woman already!
holly's nigga alcee agrees!
“Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks.”
see what happens when you let a pseudo-jew fuck you. the backlash is interminable.
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey
#362351 - 09/26/08 07:41 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
I had heard jokes about the Republicans canceling the election, but now I think they may actually try it.
:gasp: How Rovian. 
Apropos of which, I found this interesting tidbit in The New York Times:
Dubious Claims in Obama’s Ads Against McCain
ROANOKE, Va. — Two weeks ago, Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign gleefully publicized a spate of news reports about misleading and untruthful statements in the advertisements of his rival, Senator John McCain. Asked by a voter in New Hampshire if he would respond in kind, Mr. Obama said, “I just have a different philosophy, I’m going to respond with the truth,” adding, “I’m not going to start making up lies about John McCain.”
Yet as Mr. McCain’s misleading advertisements became fodder on shows like “The View” and “Saturday Night Live,” Mr. Obama began his own run of advertisements on radio and television that have matched the dubious nature of Mr. McCain’s more questionable spots.
A radio advertisement running in Wisconsin and other contested states misleadingly reports that Mr. McCain “has stood in the way of” federal financing for stem cell research; Mr. McCain did once oppose such federally supported research but broke with President Bush to consistently support it starting in 2001...
A commercial running here on Thursday morning highlighting Mr. McCain’s votes against incentives for alternative energy misleadingly asserts he supports tax breaks for “one source of energy: oil companies.” Mr. McCain’s proposed corporate tax break would cover all companies, including those developing new sources of power.
A new television advertisement playing in areas with high concentrations of elderly voters and emphasizing Mr. McCain’s support for President Bush’s failed plan for private Social Security accounts misleadingly implies Mr. McCain supported “cutting benefits in half” — an analysis of Mr. Bush’s plan that would have applied to upper-income Americans retiring in the year 2075.
A much criticized Spanish-language television advertisement wrongly links the views of Mr. McCain, who was a champion of the sweeping immigration overhaul pushed by Mr. Bush, to those of Rush Limbaugh, a harsh critic of the approach, and, frequently, of Mr. McCain.
The advertisement implies Mr. Limbaugh is one of Mr. McCain’s “Republican friends,” and quotes Mr. Limbaugh as calling Mexicans “stupid and unqualified.” Mr. Limbaugh has written that his quotes were taken out of context and that he was mocking the views of others.
In all, Mr. Obama has released at least five commercials that have been criticized as misleading or untruthful against Mr. McCain’s positions in the past two weeks. Mr. Obama drew complaints from many of the independent fact-checking groups and editorial writers who just two weeks ago were criticizing Mr. McCain for producing a large share of this year’s untruthful spots (“Pants on Fire,” the fact-checking Web site PolitiFact.com wrote of Mr. Obama’s advertisement invoking Mr. Limbaugh; “False!” FactCheck.org said of his commercial on Social Security.)
Some Democrats expressed concern that Mr. Obama, in stretching the truth... was putting at risk the “above politics” persona he has tried to cultivate.
“I do think there is a risk,” said Joe Trippi, a longtime Democratic strategist. “The risk is that they seem to be different, that the appeal for Obama is ‘it’s not the same old politics...’ ”
Tucker Bounds, a spokesman for Mr. McCain, said, “It’s bad enough that Barack Obama fictionalizes his own record, but it is a disgrace that he lies about John McCain’s.”
The disputed spots from Mr. Obama coincide with a significantly increased advertising push by his campaign and the Democratic National Committee that has taken a decidedly negative tone in the past few weeks, perhaps reflecting the natural progression of a tight campaign. CMAG, a group that tracks political advertising, said Thursday that the $10 million Mr. Obama had spent over the previous week on advertisements represented a nearly $4 million increase from the week before.
The increased advertising push has been accompanied by a campaign by the Democratic National Committee featuring an emotional advertisement shown on African-American-oriented programs meant to encourage blacks to register to vote. It opens with violent images from the civil rights era of black marchers being attacked with power hoses and the words, “Thousands died so you could vote,” the advertisement states. The advertisement was not publicly announced by the party.
Some of the advertisements that have drawn criticism were similarly started without fanfare. Mr. Obama’s campaign did not announce it was running its new radio spot that said Mr. McCain “has stood in the way, he’s opposed stem cell research.” That ad concluded, “John McCain doesn’t understand that medical research benefiting millions shouldn’t be held hostage by the political views of a few.”
The radio advertisement correctly asserts that Mr. McCain’s running mate, Ms. Palin, is against the use of federal funds for stem cell research. But since 2001, Mr. McCain has consistently supported the financing. Last year, he voted for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, which Mr. Bush vetoed, and in 2004 signed a letter to the president with 57 other senators, urging him to change his policy on stem cell research.
The campaign has said Ms. Palin will defer to Mr. McCain on the matter should they win the White House...
The stem cell advertisement hit the airwaves around the same time Mr. Obama released his Spanish-language commercial about Mr. Limbaugh. Bill Adair, the editor of PolitiFact, the fact-checking Web site of The St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly, said that until last week, the McCain campaign was more frequently guilty of including the most egregious falsehoods in its advertisements.
But the advertisement with Mr. Limbaugh, he said, prompted PolitiFact to deliver its worst rating, “Pants on Fire,” to Mr. Obama for the first time (as opposed to six times for Mr. McCain). The “Pants on Fire” rating is defined as, “not just false, but ridiculously false,” Mr. Adair said.
“I think the Obama campaign in the last two weeks has been very aggressive with its advertising,” Mr. Adair said. “And ads like the stem cell ad and the Spanish-language ad are just not accurate.”
Mr. Obama has been previously challenged over falsehoods or misleading statements in his advertisements. For instance, the campaign has frequently been criticized for implying that Mr. McCain has singled out “big oil” as the sole recipient of his broad, corporate tax cut. Mr. Obama does it again in his latest spot, in which the announcer says he “does support tax breaks for one source of energy: Oil Companies.”
+ + +
It cuts both ways.
#362352 - 09/26/08 08:06 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
^^^ Actually, in all fairness, I wouldn't be surprised if either side tried some type of Florida-esque shenanigans this year. It's gotten that bad all around.
#362353 - 09/26/08 08:20 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild
What's really interesting Jim is that the NYT publishes articles like that and still gets called out as shilling for Obama.
You're all still alive?
#362354 - 09/26/08 04:29 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 04/21/07
Posts: 398
^^^ Actually, in all fairness, I wouldn't be surprised if either side tried some type of Florida-esque shenanigans this year. It's gotten that bad all around.
If the Electoral College ends up 269-269 all of the fighting will be in Omaha, Nebraska since the Cornhusker State awards their Delegates by each Congressional District. McCain should easily win the rest of the state but Omaha will be close and its rumored that Obama's campaign already has a plan of action.
#362355 - 09/26/08 04:51 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
What's really interesting Jim is that the NYT publishes articles like that and still gets called out as shilling for Obama.
What's even more interesting than that is when I post an article like this from the Times and belaborator still claims it's part of the "Rovian Swift Boat Machine" because he refuses to check the source.
#362356 - 09/26/08 11:28 PM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
Current status of McCain campaign (9/27/08 2:27 East Coast Time): Unsuspended!
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#362357 - 09/27/08 05:17 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 04/12/07
Posts: 367
Loc: WI
if it is a 269/269 split....Nebraska's electoral votes have already been awarded...then it gets thrown into the Congress
" I have a like a 5 second rule for cum-- if it's been ejaculated from the penis and laying around somewhere for more than 5 seconds, I'm not touching it. I like my cum hot and fresh.
" ......Holly Randall
#362358 - 09/27/08 06:55 AM
Re: McCain suspends his Campaign
^^^ Where it gets funny, because when the House selects a President, each State has one vote, as per the Twelth Amendment. Thus, while California has 53 members in the House (and the Dems have a 34 - 19 edge) it's still only one vote. I'm not nearly caffeinated enough to do the math, but it seems to me there's a lot of little red states in the middle of the country that could make things interesting.... IF it happens. The election hasn't gone to the house since 1824. FWIW, however, Nebraska has only voted Democratic once since the 1940's, during LBJ's 1964 landslide.
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