This country deserves the fucking maelstrom we are now entering....fucking DESERVES it in spades. GOOD, says Da Burg. For the next 10 years let the FAT, LAZY, entitled, IGNORANT, clueless denizens of the USA settle for eating salads and water, and forego their Ice Cream and PASTA and all the shit we stuff our faces with.
And so help me, I want to fucking hunt down every CEO of every failed bank and investment house and fund that tanked, the pricks who are responsible for all this, the ones who are now hiding with their 50 million bucks in severances, and line them up in their underwear and colored socks on TV and have a Lesbian Bukkake all over the bastards.
WOW....these guys WRECK the economy and walk away filthy rich. Things are so fucked up I cant stand it.
The GREED...the selfish, "fuck everyone else" GREED .... these ugly overweight arrogant investment managers, with their empty souls, with MBAs from places I once puked and pissed in and on.....jamming the throttle on the investment machine, trying to MAXIMIZE things NOW so they can get paid obscene amounts NOW, so they can afford $10,000 per hour WHORES NOW....
That's what this is all about.....these wall street idiots, and executives at places like WA MU, they want to have super-model caliber in order to afford that, they pull this bullshit.
This is why Burglar has a glass ceiling for just what he will pay for prime grade AA pussy....I dont care who the chick is, even that freak Giselle woman deserves MORE than $10,000 per 24 hours to simply be a whore and allow her holes to be used for jacking off rich, unattractive men. No more than $10,000 per calendar day to be a trophy or to play nude scrabble, or cuddle on a hammock looking up at Aurora Borealis.
That's the problem: friggin' overpriced whores and their exorbitant bullshit prices.
How is it I can find hott chicks for an evening and never have to pay more than 2500-3000?? This allows me to make rational, solid investment choices and financial decisions. I dont need to take ridiculous bullshit risks in order to make sure that next month, I can blow a huge load of splooge into a lazy, morally bankrupt, hott chick.
You've all been Doomed because of idiots like Elliot Spitzer who are willing to pay these overpriced, "Status whores" such exorbitant rates. tsk tsk
The next time you are confronted by a gorgeous whore who demands $10,000 per hour (or anything above 2k per hour), just tell her NO. Offer her 1500 and to shoot your load on the rug....if she gets pissy, tell her "FIne, go find a Saudi prince to rub his 3 day beard against your inner thighs and to fly you around the world to a place where it is 113 degrees in the shade, from which you will wonder the whole time if you will ever return home...."
Are you gonna eat that?