
Judas Iscariot Lieberman

So abiding by one's conscience instead of Dogma now makes one a Judas?

Sorry, but that doesn't sound like the Democratic party I joined 20 years ago. I don't recall it being quite so Stalinist.


to the contrary, he has been hunkered down with Judas Iscariot Lieberman and Congressional GOPers trying to figure out a way to save the GOP from Bush, Paulson, and Bernanke's plan.

Funny. I seem to have read that McCain met with the leaders of both parties, along with Bush and, much to his credit, Obama, trying to get the deal passed.

I also seem to have read that there were many Democratic ideas were adopted in the draft worked out this afternoon, coming from people like Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer and Barney Frank, which "include limits on the pay packages for executives of some firms that seek assistance and a mechanism for the government to take an equity stake in some of the firms, so taxpayers have a chance to profit if the bailout plan works."

Are you telling me that Dodd, Schumer and Frank are also working to "save the GOP from Bush's plan?"