Note the hypocrisy of the highlighted portion.



I knew sleeping away Sunday was a dumb move. I really wanted to be at Zupko’s Opera shoot. TheRealLukeFord was gonna be there, and I had the feeling something good was gonna happen.

Turns out I was right. From what can be concluded as the only scenario, Luke found himself in the position to leaf through a production folder he had no right whatsoever to be looking at. It is property of Elegant Angel. Apparently, reporters are now allowed access to whatever they so desire.

I saw the folder in question. It was packed with tons of pages, one of which happened to be a cast list with each person’s pay rate for the movie. And I’m not positive whether slinking his menacing fingers into this data is legal or not, but I know for certain it was not the work of a principled journalist.

Luke posted his stolen findings on his Web site, in the exact order they appeared on the page within the folder. And from what I was told from everyone who was there, not once did Luke attempt to validate his illegally obtained information.

Later that day Luke was asked to leave for other reasons. He was lucky he evacuated when he did, because someone at the set quietly put a $300 bounty on his head, declaring that whomever knocked the shifty reporter out would find themselves a tad bit richer.

Where was Mike Albo when they needed him? He’d a done it for free.