But I find lots of things annoying about these shows, for example

I think a lot of the tattoos they do look crap

I don't generally like tattoos. While up close they may look great from a distance they often look like blurry smudges eg green tattoos can look like brussel sprouts or broccoli. Also as the artists say tattoos do go blurry and smudgey as the years go by

If I was going to get a tattoo i'd have put a lot of thought into what I wanted yet people on the show often come in with designs they want and are told "No I'll do this instead" and just agree with the artist. If I'm going to be carrying around a tattoo for the rest of my life i'd have put a lot of thought into it and it must be a design I want and not some design the artist pulls off the top of his head in 2 minutes

You shouldn't feel pressured into getting a tattoo because your partner wants you to. If your partner says you have to get a tattoo to show your commitment to the relationship then this just shows you that he doesn't love you