For quite some time the shit list has been a wasteland of posts from a different era, unattended and the lack of recent threads made what was once a proud board one filled with shame that started resembling a board that smuthut guy co mods at. That was until now. Monkey is a shit list poster only now, fed up with that nazi mod zenman and his general porn talk ADT like rules for thread requirements a bitter feud took place, where monkey refused to ever post on the general porn talk board every again, when the opportunity to renovate and challenge his own ego like never before he took on the challenge of attempting to rejuvenate the abandoned crack house like section (old shit list) and give it a much needed face lift. As mention before Grip johnson (mod of shitlist board) loved the idea of giving the shit list a fresh new look and a deal was struck. So far it is looking like a win win situation, those who don't like the monkey can easily avoid him and go to the concentration camp like board known as general board talk and those who love the free to say what you want (yes even lurid UHHHHHHHHH), raw as fuck, board known as the shit list can have let their hair down without worrying about getting shot in the yard when they are having their lunch by zenman as is the case on the general board. Shit list is back and better then ever.

(general porn talk board)

(Shit list)
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis